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Purk 09-25-2016 08:36 AM

Grateful for another day sober and for having a great if somewhat boring summer

MajestyJo 09-27-2016 06:27 PM

Grateful for another sober day. Not too good on the sobriety part, in a lot of pain.
Grateful for the sunshine, not too grateful for the rain that isn't here yet! ;) My body is telling me it is on it's way. There is suppose to be at least 3 days of it.
Grateful that I got out today and went to a noon meeting.
Grateful that there was a new newcomer, a girl at her very first meeting.
Grateful that there were two who are newly back in recovery and only have a few months of recovery. They have such a strong message to carry.
Grateful that I got to the meeting. I felt like I needed it so badly that I took a taxi there.
Grateful that my dinner is cooked, even if I don't feel much like eating it. My KFC Tooney Tuesday is getting in the way. I had a late lunch.
Grateful that KFC allows me to switch legs and fries to wings and coleslaw. :)
Grateful that this is a we program. Without you, there is no me.
Grateful that tomorrow is pay day.
Grateful that I still have taxi script to get to the mall to go shopping and I can take a bus or a taxi to the terminal to get another book, from there I can take a bus to the mall. Now I just have to wait to see if God and are on the same page.
Grateful for the good things in life. They can be found in the not so good things, if I but look for them and remember to be grateful for what I have, instead of looking at what I don't have.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 09-29-2016 10:46 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I was able to post. My feet aren't swollen. Ironically, they hurt more when they are NOT swollen, it is a different kind of pain and more intense. I like the not swollen part though.
Grateful that I got into the Holistic Center today. They have saved my sanity over the years. I wouldn't be walking today if it wasn't for them.
Grateful that my son went with me to shop. He went to the market and then to the bank, to get a phone card for his phone, and then he disappeared. LOL! He went for cigarettes and I went to the Holistic Center.
Grateful that it is only two blocks from the Center to the mall. I didn't have to dodge too many drops.
Grateful that I got a toaster to replace my old one. I should have looked in the box. It is pretty basic. Toast, don't toast, although it is suppose to pop up on it's own.
Grateful that I got myself a big pillow to put under my feet and ankles to see if they will help stop the swelling.
Grateful that the market was open. I prefer to support our local farmers. Many have suffered as a result of the grocery store being put in at the other end of the mall.
Grateful that it stopped raining long enough for me to get home on the bus instead of taking a taxi.
Grateful for a kind gentelman who helped lift my walker onto the bus. I had it loaded down with 8 bags. I didn't even have library books on it like I normally do. ;)
Grateful he was thoughtful. My thoughts were "He wants me to hurry up so he can go home and drink the 26er he had just bought at the liquor store." My bad!
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 10-02-2016 01:16 PM

Grateful for another sober day. Can't say that I have sobriety today as my son is sick.
Grateful that my intentions are good. I hope to clean my kitchen.
Grateful that the sun came out and the rain has stopped for the moment.
Grateful that things work out in the long run even when things seem bleak.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. Lately I have gotten pickier than usual, food is just not tasting right.
Grateful that I got two loads of laundry done. Even more grateful that no one else was in the laundry room and I had quiet to read.
Grateful that I could renew my book on line as it was due yesterday.
Grateful that I can find something to be grateful about. Things have been up and down the last couple of days.
Grateful that prayer is the answer to my resentments.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 10-05-2016 05:44 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for the blessing sent my way in today.
Grateful that a day can start any time. Again, I am behind in my gratitude.
Grateful for the Good Orderly Direction I got today. I lead me to where I needed to be.
Grateful for the message that I received at my home group today.
Grateful that my group is tomorrow. Hoping and praying that it doesn't rain to hard. It is suppose to rain, but more will be revealed.
Grateful that I have choices. Just for today, I choose not to use people, places, and things.
Grateful for the program. The 12 Steps are a way of life. Words mean nothing if I don't take them an apply them or take them to heart and learn from them.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. Without you, there is no me.

MajestyJo 10-06-2016 07:15 PM

I am grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that the sun was shining.
Grateful that friends and acquaintances seem to pop out of the woodwork today.
Grateful that we had a great meeting. So grateful for my group, each week is a blessing.
Grateful that I met up with someone who had gone out west and was back after being away for 5 years.
Grateful that my friend Lea made it to the meeting, we go way back to early recovery for us both. We got sober together.
Grateful that I ran into a friend who I had thought of and said a pray for and met her in the hall at the mall today. We had a good talk and I got a good hug.
Grateful that I met up with a member of my Al-Anon group and got another hug from her.
Grateful that I saw so many people, I am not sure how many I saw. I think after 9 I lost count. Hamilton is a big city and to see that many people in the space of the hour I was there before my meeting and an hour after my meeting, it is pretty amazing to my way of thinking. God must have thought I was needy and put these special people in my path today. For that I am very grateful.
Grateful that when I took myself off for breakfast, my friend Barb was already there. I treated myself to Tobey's special of 3 eggs scrambled, homefries, 3 slices of bacon today, normally only 2, two pieces of toast and jam, along with a coffee that got topped up twice, all for under $10. with tax.
Grateful for those "That's not odd, that's God" moments in my life.
Grateful that there was only one other person in laundry and I got two loads of laundry done when I got home. I had a wee visit, but the person went back upstairs and I got to read my book.
Grateful for all those who follow me on my journey. God Bless.

MajestyJo 10-08-2016 02:56 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. I feel peaceful and then I ask, am I at peace or am I just numb? Not too sure today.
Grateful that I got to talk to my pharmacist and go over my medication. She feels as though the swelling is a result of my heart, so sending a recommendation through to my family doctor.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. What you see is what you get. Don't be putting a whole lot of extras into the day, just stay in the moment.
Grateful that I have choices. At the moment having problems with choosing what to have for dinner. If that is the most difficult decision I have to make in today, life is pretty good and I have a lot to be grateful for.
Grateful that tennis on. Love my tennis. Also enjoying Monfils from France playing Simon a fellow Frenchman.
Grateful that I have found a new series to read. I have been into spy and espionage books along with murder and mayhem. I turn the page when they get into all that mush and slush.
Grateful that I got complimented again today on my fancy pants. Never wore floral print for years and all of a sudden I have two pair in bright colours. Don't do pastels.
Grateful that my laundry will wait until tomorrow if I don't find the energy to do it today. I have too many clothes, but then I often change my clothes 2 or 3 times a day.
Grateful that my God is very good to me.
Grateful that the sun is shining. It is about 68 deg. F and 18 deg. C, so if I decide to go for a walk, I will need a light jacket. Glad I washed up everything anew last week.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 10-11-2016 08:38 AM

Grateful for a start to a new day. I pray I will find peace and serenity along the way.
Grateful that I day can start any time, already went to bed but my night didn't last too long, so going to try to catch some more Zzzzzs. I will be very grateful if I can make it to the noon AA meeting.
Grateful that I have a cheque coming in from my landlord, which is a rent rebate which is almost $200. and hope to buy some things that I didn't have money for this month.
Grateful that this has been a month of gratitude. So many gifts are priceless and to be cherished.
Grateful that my God directs my life. It is so much more interesting and rewarding when I hand the reins over to Him.
Grateful that my son was with me on Sunday and Monday clean and sober.
Grateful that I was able to be with him clean and sober.
Grateful for all the food we had to eat.
Grateful for my TV shows that I recorded but haven't been in a TV mood. I am not sure I will ever have enough hours in a day to play catch up.
Grateful that I have been able to read, although I think I need to call my eye doctor for an appointment.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning and a new blessing is sure to be found along the way.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 10-13-2016 03:49 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. I lost my soundness of mind after a confrontation with my son about 10 p.m.
Grateful for this program. So glad I made it to my Al-Anon meeting today.
Grateful for the book that I am reading, I need to put it down, turn off the TV, and quit posting and find some sleep.
Grateful for eggs. I didn't feel like eating my casserole and made myself an egg sandwich. Feeling like another one.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. So glad that the Serenity Prayer is applicable to all areas of my life.
Grateful that it is my home group today. I hope I can wake up in time to go. I said a prayer asking to be woken up in time to go there if it is God's Will for me in today. I have been praying and asking for healing of my foot.
Grateful for the people who keep the site going, I need this site as it gives me food for my body, mind, and spirit.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 10-15-2016 08:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Grateful for another day of sobriety. Tonight, no so much! I was sober but the emotions took a few steps backward.
Grateful that I finally cashed my winning prize from last year's New Year's party. It was for a free meal put on by the Tenent Committee.
Grateful for the good food. As a friend of mind says, "Anything that someone else cooks, always tastes better, even if it is just a grilled cheese sandwich." We had a bit more than that, juice, cheese, dinner roll, pickles, roast beef, gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots, and stuffing. It was followed with pie and ice cream for dessert, along with a frozen dessert which tasted like Dream Whip and fruit. I had pumpking pie. They also had cherry and apple. To top it off, I got served first. I thought I would hide in the corner and be out of the way and I lucked out.
Grateful that I was able to get a good night sleep, or should say morning, because I didn't wake up until 1:11 p.m. Had a late start to the day, but got everything done. I got myself a little batter operated alarm clock for $2.00.
Grateful that the sun was shining today. My body is saying that we are going to get lots of rain.
Grateful that I was able to do grocery shopping yesterday and only had to pick up the ones I forgot today. When I got home, my son informed me that I needed Ketchup! Oh well, a good reason to go out and shop again. It depends on the weather and how much rain we get.
Grateful for all the food I bought. I just have to remember that it is there.
Grateful for a busy week. My feet are not as swollen, so the medication must have been the problem. It is important to take it as prescribed. It is even better to remember to take it, which I hadn't been doing.
Grateful that my God is loving, caring, and forgiving.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 10-19-2016 11:47 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety, although my actions haven't shown it, I just never thought of posting it.
Grateful for the sunshiine that I woke up to this morning. It is suppose to disappear for two days. I will miss it.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. It is nice to have choices.
Grateful that I have a program. It works for me. That is why I try to share it with you. Take what you need, and leave the rest. What you don't need, you can put on a shelf and you can take it off if you need it later or pass it on to someone who does need it. Thanks Gord for that thought you gave me many years ago.
Grateful that I have a doctor's tomorrow. I just hope it doesn't rain too much that I will have problems getting there. It is difficult to push a walker and hold an umbrella at the same time. These days it is hard to hold an umbrella up for any period of time. If it is meant to be, I am sure I will find a way to get there. I found infection in my toe yesterday, so have a double reason to go.
Grateful that I can come on line and share. I will not be able to go to the meeting, over and above like feeling a cold coming on. My feet are so swollen, it is hard to walk.
Grateful that a day can start any time. I am going to end this one by going back to my bed and when I wake up, I will start again. Hopefully by then, I will feel like doing laundry. ;)
Grateful for my pain, it keeps me conscious and aware. It tells quite a story. Some times I like to block it out and ignore it, but for the most part, I try to listen to what it says.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 10-21-2016 12:52 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety so far.
Grateful that I can ask for forgiveness. I said I was doing laundry after posting. I lied! I think I am going to take my body back to bed. My computer is slow, just like my body.
Grateful the sun isn't shining, so I can justify going back to bed. As the song says, "Rainy day Mondays get me down. Rainy dail Fridays do too.
Grateful I don't have to cook dinner, I have left over meatloaf. It was a good one, so have no problems eating it second time around.
Grateful that I got some posting done. Can't always do all I want, but today the thoughts are there, so going with the flow.
Grateful for friends and family. Some people are not so fortunate.
Grateful for my recovery family, they (for the most part) can understand and identify with me.
Grateful that it is alright to you.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 10-24-2016 08:13 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. Not sure my mind has been present too much of today to say that. ;)
Grateful that I was able to go down to the mall and pick up some things I needed even if I couldn't get to the mall.
Grateful for my computer. I wasn't feeling very grounded and connected until I started posting.
Grateful that my headache has eased and my arthritis isn't screaming too loud today.
Grateful for the healing power of prayer. I do think I have the flu, so I know this too shall pass. I just have to be more patient and not push myself.
Grateful that I was able to rebook my eye doctor's appointment. Really bummed out that I missed it today as my sight has been worsening, and being diabetic, I need to get it checked. I am praying that it means more laser surgery instead of glasses.
Grateful for the food I have to eat, just which I felt more like eating it.
Grateful for friends. Where would we be without them.
Grateful for libraries. I would be lost without them. I have some catching up to do, I find an other and then I want everything that they have written.
Grateful for my God. He has to have a lot of patience and understanding to put up with me. He definately has a sense of humour. Why not, we are made in His image. Sometimes when I think of that, I find it a little bit scarey.
Grateful today for Bears. They mean Introspection and according to Jamies Sams, you are invited by the Power of Knowing to enter the silence and the Dream Lodge.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 10-27-2016 02:32 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. A few days were tested, but so grateful that in today, I don't have to pick up in order to live my day.
Grateful that I no longer feel the need to abuse myself or others.
Grateful that a thought is a prayer. Have had to watch my thoughts a few times lately, but my God has always been there.
Grateful that it is finally raining. I do not like the rain, but my pain has eased now that it is here. I just wish it didn't tell me it was coming three days before it gets here.
Grateful that I can work through the pain, although there are days that I have to accept my limitations.
Grateful that it is payday. This has been a long month and it isn't over yet.
Grateful for the food I have to eat, even though I don't always feel like eating it.
Grateful that it is the end of the month, and there are still choices left in my refrigerator and pantry.
Grateful for friends, some who have been sick and are still under the weather. I am a firm believer in Echinacea.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

dwmoeller 10-27-2016 09:10 AM

Grateful to be alive and sober today!
Grateful for a granola bar and a cup of coffee today.
Grateful for my friends and family who support me on my journey.
Grateful for the AA meeting tonight.

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