Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

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ds13099 10-11-2014 07:18 PM


MajestyJo 10-11-2014 07:52 PM

Flipper 06-01-2015 06:58 PM

Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be a part of this.
God bless.

MajestyJo 06-01-2015 10:37 PM

Hope you will continue to come an share your recovery with us.

ljportelli 06-03-2015 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by bluidkiti (Post 369)
Welcome To The Fellowship

Welcome to the fellowship
Here take this chair
When you walked through our doors
We'll show you that we care
We will love you
Until you can love yourself
Put the plug in the jug
Keep the drugs on the shelf
All you need is a desire to stop
That's all it takes
To join our way
We'll share our program
Show you how to live in today
You will never again be lonely
Unless you choose
As long as you don't pick up
You'll never lose
We will teach you
How to work the steps
One by one
We will teach you
That in sobriety
You can have fun
Surrender to win
Is a good place to begin
First you have to clean up the past
In here no one is first
And no one is last
We have a way that is simple
But not easy you see
Rest assured we'll teach you
How to live free
In here we know
How you feel inside
Because we have been
Where you're at
But no longer hide
Welcome to the fellowship
Of pure love
This program was given to us
By God above
Have some coffee
Sit right down
We are so happy
That you have come around
We'll show you how we
Make our way
Then you can be blessed
As you give it away
Welcome to the fellowship

Daniel M Corkery

[B]G'mawnin'! Been meaning to pop in for a while no to say hi. I also want to thank you for building this incredible resource. You have no idea how much this is informing my recovery. I'm growing by leaps and bounds! For quite some time, I'd been praying to the God of my understanding for some prayer and meditation resources. Those are the bedrock for my recovery. No sooner had I made that prayer than I came across this page. God delivered big-time!! I asked for variety in my prayers, and variety I got. So look exciting to see evidence of God's handiwork .

So, that's the scoop. Been an alcoholic since around 1989. Went cold turkey. Have no desire to drink. Had not been involved in any AA programs until about 3 yrs ago when I entered another addiction program. Where would I be without these resources? I'm certain I would be dead in a gutter somewhere leaving my family in a world of pain.

I'm about helping folks, so if there's something I can do to make your journey a bit easier, it would be an honour to lend a hand , ok?

Off to a meeting! Blessings on you today. :) /B]

JeanC 12-29-2015 09:11 AM

HI I am Jean and I am an alcoholic---I have been in treatment a couple times but when I get home I don't do as well. I need to make some connections with others . I would like info on really getting into the steps and finding a sponsor. Im new to this site and a little confused on how to access everything. Thank-you so much

MajestyJo 12-29-2015 04:37 PM

Welcome back Jean, remember it is one day at a time. You still have your previous recovery work, all you have to do is change your dry date.

Here is a link on sponsorship:

Here is a link on posts for working the Steps:

Renee 11-23-2016 07:47 AM

November 14 A.A. thought
I know from the past experience in sobriety that hope is important. I'm learning all over again, and I'm beginning to have hope. I'm working the program, but, I haven't really had a chance to get to know many people in the rooms out there yet.
This will be my 5th day of sobriety. I am hopeful, and willing, but, I have a few old friends who sometimes try to contact me and they just aren't healthy to be around. I have to say goodbye. And although they're good deep inside, I know I cannot speak to them, hang with them, nothing. I know if I do, I may use.
I know from past experience, I have to be with sober people, sober places. I am definitely ready.
Have a good day. Renee:17::17:

Renee 11-23-2016 07:51 AM

Hi all. Doing well this morning. 5th day of sobriety, God willing. I have said my Serenity Prayer, and have read some meditations. I'm staying home today to clean, haven't decided on which meeting, a Wednesday, or...oh, that's right, Thursday is Thanksgiving day. I'd better go to one tonight. I will look it up online. Take care, all.

Renee 11-23-2016 07:55 AM

Hi Jean. I'm Renee. I'm new to this sight, too. Maybe we will figure it out together. I'm a little confused myself. This is my 5th day of sobriety, God willing. You and I have things in common. I need a sponsor, too. And I need to continue to go to meetings out there, the same ones are good, I know, in order to get to know people in the rooms. That helps. Watch out for the 13th steppers, they are dangerous to your sobriety. I found out the hard way last time. Take care.

YanKeeGal 11-26-2017 11:21 PM

I love this poem. It says it all. How nice that LOVE is the Apex of this fellowship.

john d 03-01-2023 09:20 PM

15 Years Sobriety on March 25, 2023
I have probably been viewing and reading, absorbing and utilizing Bluidkiti Daily Meditations from the beginning, tonight I ventured out and saw the poem which I enjoyed very much.
John D
Grateful to be alive and sober nights and weekends for 15 years.

bluidkiti 03-02-2023 05:10 AM

Hey John, :17: Congratulations on your upcoming 15 years! :29: I hope you will continue to share with us. Have a great day! :)

Stephanie9 02-21-2025 03:51 PM

New here!
Hi everyone! I'm Stephanie, a great full recovering alcoholic and drug addict.

My sobriety date for alcohol is August 17, 2022 and my sobriety date for fentanyl is June 5, 2023. I'm new to the whole forum platform so if I'm doing something wrong, please let me know.

But for the grace of God, I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl 2 months early on July 5, 2024. Also, on April 4, 2024 I lost my hero, biggest supporter, cheerleader, best friend, and father. He was 59. He passed peacefully in his sleep.

My mother has been psychologically abusive for as long as I can remember. She has manipulated both sides of my family to believe I'm this giant monster. She had me arrested for domestic violence. Unfortunately, she got another relative and a few officers from a corrupt police department involved where my civil rights were violated.

My father was helping me get back on my feet after I had to return home because I had an abusive boyfriend at the time.

Now, it's my mother, myself, my significant other, Paul, my daughter, Raina, and my rescue dog, Mellow. I'm currently working the steps with my sponsor. I'm about to take my 3rd step. I am a Certified Addiction Recovery Coach, waiting for a spot to open up so I can gain hours and experience under the supervision of a CARC Supervisor. I'm so proud of myself.
I'm so happy to be here. I'm inspired by the posts I've seen so far. Thanks for this platform and thanks for not giving up on yourself. Keep up the hard work. If no one said that they were proud of you today, let me be that person. That goes out to all of you's!

bluidkiti 02-21-2025 05:42 PM

Hi Stephanie9. :17: It is so great to hear from you. Keep taking it one day at a time and keep coming back and sharing with us. :42:

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