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bluidkiti 07-16-2015 07:04 AM

It's Time For Downtime

We all need a bit of downtime, and if it's getting relegated to the sidelines, here’s a reminder to reserve time for downtime.

How you use your downtime depends on what you need at that time. Nap, read, sketch or just sit and do nothing, but do give yourself the space to recover and recharge your batteries.

Carve out some time daily, weekly or monthly, perhaps plan for some downtime when you come out of a busy period or finish a big project. Just remember, downtime isn’t wasting time, so enjoy it, guilt free - you deserve it!

bluidkiti 07-17-2015 07:11 AM

Are You Should-ing?

"I should exercise more." "I should eat healthier." "I should do more." The word "should" isn't negative but the way we use it, has a negative tone.

Think about replacing "should" with something that's more encouraging and empowering. How about, "I would like to...." or "I will...."

Stop should-ing and start creating a more positive and motivating tone.

bluidkiti 07-18-2015 07:45 AM

In the Middle of a Muddle

Are you in the middle of a muddle? What's clouding your clarity? Emotions, expectations, history with the story, people's influence and opinion....

Be an observer, like a member of an audience watching your own performance on stage, or take a helicopter view and observe everything from above.

Take the time to step out of the muddle and you may see things differently, see the bigger picture, and see what needs to happen. You may just gain a new perspective and clarity.

bluidkiti 07-18-2015 07:45 AM

Crack the Glass Ceiling

For most of us, the glass ceiling that stands in the way of success is our own self-limiting beliefs. Identify what's holding you back. Determine the steps you need to take to move forward. Take the steps. When you crack the glass ceiling, there are no limits, just potential and blue sky!

bluidkiti 07-20-2015 07:05 AM

It's Time For A Pat On The Back

Finish one task & it’s onto the next. Any feeling of accomplishment is quickly lost as we move onto what's next.

When you finish one thing, how about, taking a moment to acknowledge your efforts & progress. And give yourself a pat on the back.

If you can’t take a moment and really need to move onto what's next, acknowledge your accomplishments as you cross the task off your list or at the end of the day. It’ll be good for your motivation & self-esteem.

bluidkiti 07-21-2015 04:47 AM

Thoughts On News

How do you feel when you read, watch or listen to all those news stories that are scary & sad? Mad? Next time you get mad, turn it into M.A.D. (Make A Difference)

Channel the anger into positive action, & make the change you want to see. If you can't take action, make a positive impact through your thoughts.

Thoughts have considerable impact. Create peaceful, powerful & compassionate thoughts & direct them to where you want. And feel that you are making a difference.

bluidkiti 07-22-2015 04:42 AM

Making Small Talk

Do you think small talk is unimportant, a waste of time? If you do, then think again. Small talk is worth your time. It’s an opportunity to show interest and find out how someone is getting on. It can be a relationship builder and may even open the door that leads to ‘big’ talk.

Today, think about how to make small talk better. Here are a few suggestions:
- Get curious about people and what makes them tick.
- Ask simple questions, as well as open ended ones.
- When you’re asked a question, try and avoid one word answers.
- Most importantly, let the conversation flow naturally.

bluidkiti 07-23-2015 06:52 AM

What's Your Agenda?

We all have personal agendas. They inform everything we do. But often we ourselves are not aware of what they are. So check, why you do, what you do.

Be clear about your own agenda. If it's not what you want it to be, then either drop your agenda or change it to something positive.

bluidkiti 07-24-2015 05:46 AM

Being A Busy Bee

Now there's nothing wrong with being a busy bee. But as you buzz around, what are you collecting? Things that weigh you down or make you buoyant?

Now just as bees don’t waste their time and energy collecting useless things, be like a bee. Collect what’s useful and stay buoyant.

bluidkiti 07-25-2015 07:23 AM

A Better Atmosphere

Whether at work, at home or at any other place, the surrounding atmosphere affects us.

If the atmosphere is stressful or negative, you can choose not to absorb the stress or the negativity. Instead, generate a calm, positive atmosphere through your calm, positive thoughts and feelings.

Contribute to creating a better atmosphere, and you will positively affect yourself, the place and the people around you.

bluidkiti 07-25-2015 07:23 AM

Like a Trapeze Artist

If change is a fact of life, then why do we try to hold on to the old ways or adapt badly to the new? Why not be like a trapeze artist and leap from one swing to another. Let go of old habits and old ways of thinking; switch over and grab hold of new habits and new ways of thinking.

bluidkiti 07-27-2015 07:44 AM

Life's Speed Bumps

We encounter many speed bumps in life, just like the ones on the road - situations that come into our lives to slow us down. If you don’t slow down but drive over the speed bump too fast - ouch!

Stay observant. And when you see one of life’s speed bumps ahead - don't get annoyed, don't let it become a roadblock, just slow down and drive gently over the situation.

bluidkiti 07-28-2015 06:27 AM

Think I'm Lazy

Ever find yourself thinking, 'I'm so lazy'? If you think of yourself as lazy, you’ll convince yourself that you have no energy or focus. This may breed more laziness.

Come on, you’re not lazy, but your thinking and behaviour may be lazy. So, choose not to think of yourself as ‘lazy’. Think: I am energetic and focused.

Get energetic and focused, and then think: I'll do what needs to be done for just 15 minutes. Start doing, and after 15 minutes, who knows, you may just carry on until things get done.

bluidkiti 07-29-2015 06:49 AM

The Mind Room

Think of your mind as a room; what does it look like?

Are the curtains & the windows closed? Is the room of your mind stuffy? Cluttered with thoughts & information? And what's hanging on the walls of your mind? Are your sticky emotions stuck on the wall? Open the curtains & let the light in. Open the windows & air the room. Clean the mind & put everything in its place. Brighten the walls with brighter emotions.

Make the room of your mind somewhere where you can be comfortable & creative.

bluidkiti 07-30-2015 06:15 AM

Unplugging Your Expectations

Expecting the best of others is definitely a better option than the alternative.

But when people don’t live up to your expectations, how do you react? Now, you can't expect people to fit into your expectations, can you? Unplug from your expectations and accept people as they are. If need be, readjust your expectations to something more reasonable and realistic.

Expect the best of others but relate and interact with them as they are rather than how you want them to be.

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