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MajestyJo 05-15-2014 04:01 AM

Let us pray:

Loving Lord, inspire me
to bring out the best in others
and “touch hearts”
by being welcoming and generous
and always positive in attitude,
showing individuals
that they matter and are important.
May those
who are part of my life this day
treat me in the same way
as I treat them. Amen.

MajestyJo 05-16-2014 03:55 AM

Let’s pray in silence for a moment for all who are going through
great difficulties…
(pause… )

Let’s pray in silence that we may be people who support and encourage others…
(pause … )

Let’s think in silence for a moment of two people to set out to encourage today…

MajestyJo 05-17-2014 05:35 AM

Let us pray and keep the words of this hymn in our thoughts:

Abide with me,
fast falls the eventide;
the darkness deepens,
Lord, with me abide.
When other helpers fail,
and comforts flee,
help of the helpless,
O abide with me.
Swift to its close
ebbs out life’s little day;
earth’s joys grow dim,
its glories pass away;
change and decay
in all around I see;
O thou who changest not,
abide with me.
I need thy presence
every passing hour;
what but thy grace
can foil the tempter’s power?
Who like thyself
my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine,
O abide with me.

MajestyJo 05-18-2014 01:25 AM

Let us pray:

Lord, I ask for the gifts
of knowledge and wisdom
and understanding.
What I pray for
I intend to work at,
so that I may be someone
with an open mind,
a thirst for knowledge,
and a wisdom that makes good use
of my knowledge and experience.
I know that any gifts are useless
if I do not also have
love and concern for others,
and so I ask that you inspire me
to live in such a way
that I am caring and compassionate
and promote understanding
between people.
May others respect me, Lord,
as much as I respect them. Amen.

MajestyJo 05-19-2014 06:26 PM

Let us pray:

Lord, most of us
will not become well-known
or be written about
because of great achievements,
but we will be known and loved
for our attitude
and the smaller ordinary things
that we do
that make our part of the world
a better place.
Inspire us, Lord, each day,
to find joy in giving
as well as in receiving,
and lead us to act justly,
love tenderly,
and walk humbly with you, our God.

MajestyJo 05-20-2014 01:33 AM

Dear God

I am powerless and my life is unmanageable without your help
and guidance. I come to you today because I believe that You
can restore and renew me to meet my needs today. Since I
cannot manage my life or affairs, I have decided to give them to
You. I put my life, my will, my thoughts, my desires and ambitions
in Your hands.

I give You all of me: the good and the bad, the character defects
and shortcomings, my selfishness, resentments and problems. I
know that You will work them out in accordance with Your plan.
Such as I am, take and use me in Your service. Guide and direct
my ways and show me what to do for You.

I cannot control or change my friends or loved ones, so I release
them into Your care for Your loving hands to do with as You will.
Just keep me loving and free from judging them. If they need
changing, God, You'll have to do it; I can't. Just make me willing
and ready to be of service to You, to have my shortcomings
removed, and to do my best.

Help me to see how I have harmed others and make me willing
to make amends to them all. Keep me ever mindful of thoughts
and actions that harm myself and others, and which separate me
from Your light, love and spirit. And when I commit these errors,
make me aware of them and help me to admit each one promptly.

I am seeking to know You better, to love You more. I am seeking
the knowledge of Your will for me and the power to carry it out.


MajestyJo 05-21-2014 02:27 AM

Let us pray:

Lord God,
I can think of some of the chemicals
my body is made of
and the way
the different cells of my body interact,
but I know how much more
a human being really is.
I pray that I may always appreciate
the wonder
of the human body, mind and spirit.
I pray for good health,
an enquiring mind,
and a spirit that seeks all that is good,
knowing that I will only
be fully at rest and in peace
as I live in your presence. Amen.

MajestyJo 05-22-2014 03:00 PM

Let us pray:

We who weep come to you, Lord,
because you always
share our sorrow.
We who suffer come to you,
knowing that you cure.
We who are afraid come to you,
because you smile on us.
We share in your life
because you share ours
and so we know, God of love,
that “to love another person
is, indeed, to touch your face”.
May we live in your love forever.


MajestyJo 05-23-2014 01:59 AM

The original source is unavailable.

It Was

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,

it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,

it was the epoc of belief, it was the epoc of incredulity,

it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness,

it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,

we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,

we were all going direct to heaven,
we were all going direct the other way

in short, the period was so far like the present period...

This was written by Charles Dickens, from the novel,
"A Tale of Two Cities," about the times of the French revolution.

Sounds very much like today doesn't it?

There is nothing new under the sun.

Received with thanks from my friend Anne

MajestyJo 05-24-2014 02:08 AM

The prayer for today is not available.

Let us pray for others!



I was shocked, confused, bewildered
As I entered Heaven's door,
Not by the beauty of it all,
Nor the lights or it's decor.

But it was the folks in Heaven
Who made me sputter and gasp --
The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
the alcoholics and the trash.

There stood the kid from seventh grade
Who swiped my lunch money twice.
Next to him was my old neighbor
Who never said anything nice.

Herb, who I always thought
Was rotting away in hell,
Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
looking incredibly well.

I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?
I would love to hear Your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here?
God must have made a mistake'.

'And why is everyone so quiet,
So somber - give me a clue.'
'Hush child', He said. they're all in shock.
No one thought they'd be seeing you.'


Remember....Just going to church doesn't make you a
Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

Every saint has a PAST...
Every sinner has a FUTURE!

Now it's your turn to share this poem.

MajestyJo 05-24-2014 02:12 AM


Doubt sees the obstacles
Faith sees the way
Doubt sees the darkest night
Faith sees the day
Doubt dreads to take a step
Faith soars on high.
Doubt questions 'who believes?'
Faith answers, 'I.'

- - Author Unknown

Have faith, God answers prayer.


MajestyJo 05-25-2014 01:01 AM

Let us pray for God’s protection, using a prayer of St Columba, written 1400 years ago:

Be a bright flame before me, Lord.
Be a guiding star above me.
Be a smooth path below me.
Be a kindly shepherd behind me
- today, tonight, and forever. Amen.

MajestyJo 05-26-2014 01:00 AM

Let us pray:

Father, God of love,
as I come to recognise you
in the faces of those people
you have placed into my life,
I ask that I may grow
as the loving person
you call me to be. Amen.

MajestyJo 05-27-2014 03:28 AM

Let us pray:

God our Father,
when times are difficult,
I ask for courage and determination.
When there is hostility between people,
lead me to see the best
in people and in situations,
and give me the gift of making peace.
Remove from me
whatever contradicts your love
that I may share more fully
the Good News of your love. Amen.

MajestyJo 05-28-2014 12:25 AM

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, we read in the gospel
that you spoke individually
to many people and said:
“Be cured”; Lk 513
“Get up and walk”; Lk 524
“What do you want me to do for you?”
Mt 2032
“Of course I want to cure you: be healed”;
Mt 83
“Let what you want be done for you”;
Mt 929
“Receive your sight”; Lk 1842
“Receive back your hearing”; Mk 734
“Young man, arise”; Lk 715
“Go, your son will live”; Jn 450
“Go, your faith has saved you.” Mk 1052
Knowing that you are present
in our midst,
we ask you today
to touch each one of us individually
and bring us your healing
of body, mind and spirit. Amen.

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