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MajestyJo 01-11-2019 10:29 PM

Q is for Quandary. Was told long ago, not to use a word that you don't know how to pronounce or spell. I got a red line and had to look at what I had left out or didn't put in. That sounds a lot like my recovery. I only get out of it what I put into it. If I am in a quandary about my Higher Power, all I have to do is come from a place of love. Love for my fellow man and for myself.

MajestyJo 01-14-2019 08:33 PM

Q is for Quiet. We need to take time to quiet our minds and take some time out from the world of busy. It is good to sit with yourself. It is better when you invite your God in to have a quiet little chat. Hey God, what is happening. What do I need for my own knowing in today. In the stillness say the Serenity Prayer and then listen for the answers. I will try to follow you to the best of my ability.

The frog means cleanse the old to make room for the new.

MajestyJo 01-15-2019 05:37 PM

R is for Remember. Remember to come from a place of love. It must come from within you.

MajestyJo 01-18-2019 01:58 PM

S is for Serenity. The gift of Sobriety. Soundness of mind, have it if you can.

MajestyJo 01-24-2019 05:58 PM

T is for Take. Take what you need and leave the rest has been a long time recovery saying. I heard a friend once say, Take what you need, but take what you don't need too. You may be able to pass it on to someone who does need it. Works for me.

MajestyJo 01-29-2019 07:11 PM

U is for Understanding. God as you understand God and as my Sponsor said to me, God can be anything as long as He/She isn't you. My God is as He reveals Himself to me in today. It is my understanding that He is with me at all times, I just have to remember to invite Him into my day.

MajestyJo 01-30-2019 06:16 PM

V is for Vanity. This is a defect of character. It keeps us in the almighty I and stand between us and our God. Ironically some of the most beautiful people in this program have the lowest self-esteem. We can build ourselves up without becoming vain. We can be attractive and glamorous and remember to keep it simple More is not better, especially when it comes to make up. When it becomes more, it becomes a mask. We need to let ourselves out, and enjoy the freedom of recovery.

MajestyJo 01-31-2019 08:47 PM

W is for Wait. Wait on your God, He will see your through. As the saying goes, "If He brought you to it, He will see you through it." His time, not ours. Thy Will, not mine be done. He does say yes and no.

MajestyJo 02-04-2019 11:55 AM

X is for 'Xtra. When we feel ourselves not up to par, we need to do extra meetings, talk to our sponsor Xtra long, and do some Step work. Check out the Traditions to see what you are not doing. They are applicable outside the rooms of recovery.

MajestyJo 02-06-2019 06:39 PM

Q is for Quit. Have to say I to myself.quit your bellyaching. I know it is my own carelessness that got me into this situation. My son says I am a whoose who can't stand pain and tells me to suck it up. Quit complaining, do something about it.

MajestyJo 02-08-2019 02:43 PM

Q is for Quit. Quit putting such high expectations on yourself. Quit thinking you should do and/or be more. You are exactly where you are meant to be, in the now.

MajestyJo 02-10-2019 08:47 PM

R is for Rest, Rest your body, mind, and spirit. Give them the chance to recuperate.

MajestyJo 02-12-2019 03:57 PM

S is for Sleep. Sleep his a good healer. I heard a counselor say, "Lack of sleep never killed anyone." It hasn't killed me, but it has caused me many troubled days and nights. Like all things in recovery, I have to apply the program to it. What I do get is the good orderly directions as to how to deal with it. Lack of it I mean. ;)

MajestyJo 02-15-2019 09:37 PM

T is for Try. All we are asked to do is try. Try to work the program to the best of our ability. Don't pick up (no matter what), go to meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps and apply them to your life and share your journey with others.

We don't always understand how it works, we just know that it does.

MajestyJo 02-18-2019 09:42 PM

U is for Unaware. We are often unaware of our true feelings. Anger generally covers up a multitude of sins, at least it did for me. When I quit smoking, 7 years after coming through the doors of recovery, I uncovered rejection, abandonment, hurt, grief, and a lot of other things that I hadn't dealt with in my original 4th and 5th Steps. We can't know what we have never been taught, so it was important not to beat myself up.

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