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P is for Promise. I made a promise to myself to try to be here every day. For me, this is my meeting place. Without you, there is no me. Together we travel this road together and I pray that we help each other along.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qcsmilingflowers1.jpg |
Q is for Quiet time. I'm thankful that I can take a little bit of time from my busy life to have a quiet time to relax, meditate, pray, read, etc. My goal is to give myself a "quiet time" every day. It will be good for me mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
R is for Room. Do you go into a meeting room just before the meeting starts? Do you leave the meeting as soon as the meeting finishes. Do you just occupy a chair or are you active in service. There is no room for complacency. We need to remember, it is a one day at a time program. I need to practice the program every day, there is no room for error. I know for me to use is to die. I don't want to go back to where I came from.
https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M...=0&w=282&h=177 |
S is for Seek Professional Help
I am thankful that instead of killing myself in late October 2010, I sought professional help and went into treatment on Nov 1. It was the start of my journey out of severe depression and alcoholism and the day that my new life began! My journey continues one day at a time. |
T is for Tip. As they say, what you see is generally the tip of the iceberg. Recovery is a process, and as we work through the Steps, we become more aware, we learn and we grow in the Fellowship of the Spirit. One day at a time we do get better. Listen to those who went before, they will have a few tips as to what worked for them. That doesn't mean it will work for you, but you can take what you need, and leave the rest, just for today.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/animated...tedpod1050.gif |
U is for Undo. We don't have an undo button, and we can not undo the past, but we can make for a better today, if we change the old habits and behaviors and unite with our God and with those who have gone before us. We are no longer alone.
http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/friends/friends14.jpg |
V is for Victory
I am thankful that there is victory in recovery with the help of God (as we understand him). |
W is for Wrong. Practice what you preach. Better still, don`t preach, walk your talk. This is a program of practice, practice, practice, and just for today, I will try to get it right. There is no right way or wrong way, it is the way that works for us.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/lovepod/lovepod17.gif |
X is for Xenophobia. The fear of strangers and aliens. I was the alien, scared of myself. Didn't like what I saw in the mirror.
http://www.sexybloomers.com/easter99/bunnyhug.gif |
Y is for Your
I am thankful for your support in my sobriety journey. I couldn't do it without you. |
Z is for Zest. Have a zest for living. We are given a second chance at life. As the dictionary said, "relish, gusto." Relish the opportunity to do things differently this time and do it with gusto.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qclightbulb420.jpg |
A is for Action. Gratitude is an action step, don't just say it, show it. For me action was getting involved in service. First at the group level, then at two years, I started going to the local jail, detox, treatment centers, and sharing my story at meeting; then I got involved in the community. I don't think I would be sober in today if I hadn't gotten involved in service. They say "act as if," didn't like that term, because for me, carrying the message of recovery gave me a reason for being.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qcanangel421.gif |
B is for blessings
I am thankful for all the blessings that I have received in my sobriety and all the blessings yet to come. |
C is for Calling. AA gave me a calling and a purpose for being. It asks me to carry the message to the alcoholic/addict who still suffers. There are many ways to do this. Get active in your home group, arrive early and help set up or stay late and help clean up. After two years, you can get active in work outside of your group, like going to your local jail, detox, treatment center, and other meetings and when people see you attending meetings, and see you walk your talk, they will ask you to share your story at their meeting.
Remember hugs not drugs. You are only half of a hand shake. http://angelwinks.ca/images/animated...tedpod1058.gif |
D is for Denial. Whenever I didn't want to look at something, I would put on the blanket of denial. It was my protection until such a time as I was willing and able to deal with my issues. Many times I found myself at a stage where I had to pray for the willingness to be willing to take it off and open my mind to accept some Good Orderly Direction to help me deal with what was/is in the moment.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/generalp...ralpod1107.jpg |
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