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bluidkiti 11-16-2013 07:08 AM

Sail Away, Sail Away

Whenever you feel your mind is full to bursting, take a moment and visualise all your thoughts being loaded onto a ship ... With the last thought on board, watch the ship leaving the shore of your mind, sailing away … Feel your mind becoming lighter and lighter as the ship sails beyond the horizon …

bluidkiti 11-17-2013 06:47 AM

Better Together

To overcome your frustration with people whose nature is the opposite of yours, acknowledge how they complement you. If your talent is to see the big picture, who pays attention to the small details? Dynamism is balanced by gentleness, frankness by subtlety. Today, notice how others’ strengths complement yours.

bluidkiti 11-18-2013 07:24 AM

Music Moods

Music has an effect on your mood. Music soothes the soul and guides you to reminisce. Music fills you with optimism and motivation and boosts your focus endurance. But music can also have a negative effect. It can be distracting, agitating....

Why not use music to your advantage. Pick the right kind of music to create the mood you want.

bluidkiti 11-19-2013 07:04 AM

Failure Happens

Remember, when you first learnt to walk, how many times did you fall? Did you take every fall as failure? If you did, you'd still be riding around in a pushchair!

So the next time failure happens, curb your over-reaction to failure & don't let frustration & disappointment beat you! Just be a little more patient, check what's not working & re-evaluate your strategy. Now, be more persistent & try again!

bluidkiti 11-20-2013 07:09 AM

Who Do You Think You Are?

So who are you? Or what are you? What defines you? Are you what people call you, your name? Are you what you do, your job title? Qualifications and capabilities? Are you your belief system? Your cultural background? Or are you more than this?

Go beyond the labels and take time each day to reconnect with who you think you are.

bluidkiti 11-21-2013 07:42 AM

Knowledge to Wisdom

We can be knowledgeable on just about anything, but when does knowledge become wisdom?

Knowledge is information. When we contemplate information, then apply and integrate that knowledge into our attitude and actions, it becomes wisdom. Wisdom is power.

bluidkiti 11-22-2013 06:20 AM

Emotional Sponge

Like a sponge, we absorb other people's negative emotions. And then we feel emotionally wrung out. Rather than retaining negative emotions that don't belong to you, release them.

Strengthen your positive emotions and you'll enhance your ability to be empathetic yet at the same time not be an emotional sponge.

bluidkiti 11-23-2013 07:35 AM

No Limits

You are as large as your dreams. You can go as high as you aim. You can be as focused as a laser beam. You are not limited by your past or by what others may think of you or even by circumstances. If you choose to live fully, there is no limit to you.

bluidkiti 11-24-2013 07:07 AM

Stop being a Tarzan

Does your mind jump around, from image to image, idea to idea? Is it like Tarzan mentally swinging through the jungle from task to task, without as much as a tea break! It’s as if we’ve forgotten how to walk! Today, walk with one thought at a time, one idea at a time, one task at a time.

bluidkiti 11-25-2013 07:27 AM

Lost Work

When you lose something that you've really worked hard on, do you get that sinking feeling? All that hard work, all that time - lost! Even though the product of your efforts is no longer in your possession, your efforts are never lost.

If you have to redo the work, take a brief break: to recover your enthusiasm, recall that creative energy and refresh your memory. Just think: I get a chance to do this again. This time I can give an even better performance, an encore.

bluidkiti 11-26-2013 07:17 AM

Mind Matters

Your mind is not made of matter but it does matter what you give it. Give your mind the attention it needs. Feed it healthy thoughts. Engage it in positive contemplation.

Give your mind care and your mind will give you greater focus, better ideas and clearer thinking.

bluidkiti 11-27-2013 08:16 AM

Running Late?

Punctuality matters. It's a sign of respect for yourself and others. So if you have the habit of running late, it's time to be punctual.

Value time and manage it properly. Prepare beforehand and avoid leaving things to the last minute. Aim to arrive early and then if there are delays or any unexpected problems, you'll still arrive on time.

bluidkiti 11-28-2013 07:55 AM

More Thanks in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in North America. But no matter where we are, we can all infuse our lives with more thanks.

Count your blessings & good fortune. Recognize the abundance not just during the good times but also during the tough times. Appreciate all the little annoyances like traffic, bad weather....

Why restrict Thanksgiving to one day a year? Be thankful every day & you will feel better, work better, play better, sleep better....

bluidkiti 11-29-2013 08:40 AM

Introvert or an Extrovert?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Or are you a little bit of both?

Whichever way you lean, try to balance your introversion-extroversion.

Enjoy solitude as well as the company of others. Be active and reflective.

Understand yourself and thrive.

bluidkiti 11-30-2013 07:22 AM

Life is a Work in Progress

Life is not something that can be rushed. Things take time, lots of patience and hard work. It is a continual process of learning. Build upon each lesson to constantly refine who you are, what you do and how you do it.

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