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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for the gifts I found in Cole's book store. Gifts from me to me. A book with 50 cards on crystals and a Buddha Board for meditation. Grateful that I listened to myself. I told a friend the other day, every time I try their turkey dinner, I always find fault with it. Well I went and ordered it again and I was right. Today it was bacon in the dressing, they didn't add ginger to take the gas out of the spices, and it keeps repeating and telling me, did you finally learn your lesson. Grateful that I found a big pillow, which was $3. cheaper than the regular size. Grateful that my migraine eased so I could go downtown although I am still not feeling up to par. I am still thinking laundry, not sure I will get there. Grateful for curling. I think it will be my entertainment for tonight, and again the laundry is still there waiting for another day. Grateful that I got an easy-boy chair from my friend who lives in the building. He was going to throw it out, but it will help me to put my feet up and hopefully, help when my feet swell. A true gift, just what the doctor ordered and my God giveth! It may be second hand, but it new to me. Grateful that the rain that was forecasted didn't happen and I didn't have to dodge the drops on my way downtown. Grateful for the little things, they add up to big things. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://www.animatedimages.org/data/m...image-0005.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I made it to a meeting yesterday and today. Grateful for the people put in my path today and yesterday. My God takes good care of me. Grateful for the specials I got when I went shopping. Grateful for the gifts that were given. Grateful that I have mushroom soup that I got at Denninger's, I hope it tastes good, I am looking forward to eating it when I finish posting. Grateful that I got a call today from a girl I use to sponsor. Grateful I was able to reach a couple of friend today, I thought of them while I was out so made a point of calling them when I got home. Grateful that the water was turned back on when I got home. It was a real bonus to have hot water instead of having to wait for it to get hot. Grateful the the sun made short appearance throughout the day. Any day the sun shines is a good day. Grateful that I have things to be grateful for. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qc3pupsintub.jpg |
Grateful for 6 years and 1 day of sobriety.
Grateful that I am alive and sober today. Grateful for granola bars. Grateful for clean water to drink. |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I recorded the CMA show last night, saved it to watch again. So grateful to see all the country singers from days of yore. Grateful that I made it to my group today. I took a birthday card to the girl who celebrated last week. I also gave her a Citrine crystal. I got the message that she needed it. I was going to give her a choice from the bag I carried, but I got the thought she needed that particular one. Grateful that I was able to stop at the shop Harmony on the way home and by another one for myself and a piece of honey calcite which I never had before. Grateful that I took the time to eat. i realized by waking up late I had not eaten since 3 a.m. so took myself to KFC for my two wings and coleslaw. Too bad it wasn't Tuesday and it is half price. ;) Grateful that I had the thought to go to the library. I checked on my computer last night and I had no books on hold. When I went to check out an express book, a book I had ordered had come in. Grateful when I listen to that still small voice instead of discounting it. When I was using, it is the selfish, self-centered me. When I am spiritual connected to my God each day, it comes from within and is my Higher Self which is connected to my God. Grateful that my computer has a back space, delete, redo, and bring back (ctrl Z and ctrl Y) Grateful that my brain was able to get my mind around some of the technology of the computer. I am glad I went back to school in 2001. I am sad that I left the Group Freedom of Recovery, but in today, I know it was meant to be. I wouldn't have been able to go online and find recovery when I was too ill to get out to meetings. Grateful for good food and fellowship today. My son is cooking dinner (chicken, rice, and peas), and he cleaned my kitchen on his day off while I went to my AA group. Grateful today that I was able to get out to a meeting four times this week. It has been a long time since I was able to do that. Grateful that each day is a new beginning. God is as He reveals Himself in today. Grateful, God willing that I have to have two sets of blood work done tomorrow, hoping the sun will keep on shining. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. God Bless. Grateful that this angel changes every day. http://angelwinks.ca/images/angelpod.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that the angel on my previous post changed ever day. Grateful that I have been busy, not so grateful that I was too busy to post my gratitude. Grateful that I was able to get out to 4 meetings this week. Grateful that I got to play bridge on Friday, hope to make it a regular thing. Grateful that I help my own, but need a lot of practice. Just like this program, it takes practice, practice, practice. Grateful that I am feeling better today, but still not up to par. I haven't been up long, but my bed is calling me. Grateful that I was able to grocery shop yesterday. Looking forward to the spareribs planned for tonight, hope I am up to eating them. Food and me don't always seem to be on the same page. When it is time to eat, I don't feel like it or if I eat, my stomach gets upset. Grateful for this second opportunity at life. The saying, "If you aren't enjoying recovery, what are you doing wrong?" has been popping into my head lately. Perhaps one of the reasons I made it to meetings this past week. Grateful that I see my doctor on the 7th and my eye specialst on the 11th. Grateful that I got in to see my heart specialist. He wasn't very happy with me because I forgot my list of medications. I have to go back and get fixed up with a monitor and have an ECG, at least I think that is what it is called. Grateful that I can start a day any time, I think I am going back to my bed so I can wake up again, and hopefully, I will feel better. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qc2dogsonswing2.jpg |
Grateful for a new day sober.
Grateful for the sobriety I found yesterday. Grateful that I could take a 'me' day and did nothing but sit and read, watch TV, and do a meditation. Grateful that the only thing I cooked were some carrots to go with my Stouffer's Turkey and stuffing TV dinner. Grateful that the election is over, even though I didn't like the results, but then I have never liked the man since I first watched him on TV. Grateful that I don't life in the U.S.A. and yet fearful that the results will affect us here in Canada. Grateful for my computer. It takes me places I have never been and will likely never go and I get to meet people from all around the world. My computer makes the world a very small place. Grateful for my God. He helps me to maintain my sanity as well as my sobriety. Grateful that there is a God or I would not be here in today. Grateful that my group is tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. Grateful that I have an eye doctor's appointment on Friday. They have been preventing me from doing all the reading I want to do. I am hoping it means surgery, not going bak to glasses. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://i725.photobucket.com/albums/w...gskindness.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I know the difference and aware of when I am sober and when I have sobriety. Sobriety for me is soundness of mind. I have to work on my emotional sobriety daily. Grateful that I got my dishes done. Grateful that I made apple crisp. It take a lot of peeling (4 large apples too peel and slice). Grateful that I got my apples on sale. $1.29 for 3 apples and I bought 6. Grateful that it is Monday, a start of a new week. Grateful that the weather has stayed good. I have postponed calling Darts for my winter transportation. Grateful that I have a couple of days which I call transformation days. Healing the body, mind and spirit. Talked to my ex-sponsor who is a Reiki Master. Grateful that I have rested enough now that I can go and cook my dinner. Grateful for leftovers. Looking forward to having my scallopped potatoes from yesterday. Grateful for mushrooms. One of God's Gracious Gifts and high in potassium too. Grateful that my God is so good to me. Grateful that my God put you in my path. Grateful that you are a part of my journey. Grateful for the many blessings each day as a result of being clean and sober. Grateful that is okay to just be. I don't have to be doing anything. Grateful that I can come here each day and get food for my body, mind, and spirit. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qcwcat348.jpg |
Grateful to be alive and sober today. :91:
Grateful for my cup of coffee today :11: Grateful for sunshine today :D Grateful for my family and friends:61: |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for the experiences of today, although I wouldn't want to repeat the one I had at the library. Grateful I was able to save a young woman's wallet. Grateful that I was feeling better today. I don't do sick well. Now I know where my son gets it from. Grateful that I got my laundry done. Made my bed and for some reason, something is keeping me out of it. Grateful for a day that I knew my God was in it. I didn't leave Him at home or He didn't choose to stay home, even though I said a prayer and asked Him to join me. Grateful for telephones, I talked to four friends today. Grateful that I am finally able to come on line and do some posting. Grateful for those who follow this journey with me. http://cartoon-bunny-rabbits.clipart...=320&width=320 |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that yester is gone and today is a new beginning. Grateful that I got to the heart speciialist's office to get fitted with a heart monitor and have an EKG. Grateful that I had the energy to get every thing done today. Grateful for the down time I have taken over the weekend and today. I have been watching a backlog of recorded programs. Grateful that I got some laundry done. Grateful that my chocolate chip muffins turned out. I got them from a mix from the $1. Store. I added the JoAnne touch by adding about 1/2 tsp. of Vanilla and about 1/4 tsp. of salt t make sure the flavour was there. Grateful that I made enough chicken soup to divide into 4 small containers. Grateful that I got my books read and back to the library. Grateful for friends and family. This winter weather can become a great isolator for me. I am hoping with Darts, I will be able to get out more this season. Grateful that my refrigerator and pantry are full. Grateful that my appetite has improved. Grateful for all the rainbows in my life. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://angelwinks.ca/images/generalp...ralpod1085.jpg |
Grateful for another day. Not sure I can say sobriety, because I slept the whole day away and woke up in pain. Eight hours sleep for me is a miracle. The only problem was I woke up in pain from head to toe. I am grateful for the sleep, not so grateful for the pain.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. Grateful that I have freedom of choice. Grateful for my apartment and that I have a home. It is cold and raining outside, and I would not last long out there, if I was ever to become homeless. A special prayer to those who do not have a safe place to live. Grateful for all the blessings over the last few days, sorry I haven't shared them, now I have forgotten them. Grateful that people had a good Thanksgiving. I am Canadian and already had our celebration, but had thought of celebrating with all of you who have become friends. I didn't cook a big dinner, but had a Stouffer's TV turkey dinner with cranberries and pickled beets. Grateful that I got to my home group and had the honour of chairing the meeting. It was a good one. Grateful that we have long-timers and well as newcomers and I can learn from both. Grateful that I can get Christmas music on my TV. I think I will turn some on. Grateful that Christmas is coming, I already have the mood. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://www.animate-gif.de/christmas/Weihnachten48.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for a start on a new day. Grateful that I got more sleep, I have been wondering if I had been sick and didn't know it. I know I was tired. Grateful that I got my laundry done. I was kidding about procrastinating. I have 5 loads. Grateful to have it washed, dried, and folded. Grateful that my son cooked dinner. It was delicious. Roast loin of pork with the bone in, carrots and mashed potatoes. Grateful for the sun that appeared today even though I didn't go out in it. Hoping it will stick around so I can go grocery shopping. Grateful that I have an eye doctor's appointment next Friday as I have had problems with my eyes watering. I think it is just from too much reading. Grateful that I have another appointment with my heart specialist next Tuesday. My pharmacist was going t make a list of my medications and forgot to go down on Saturday to pick it up. I am hoping it is in my file and it doesn't have to be done again. Grateful that I have a chiropractor's appointment on Wednesday. Need to align the body to be in good shape for the holiday. Grateful for all the people put in my path, those known and unknown. Thanks for being a part of my recovery. Grateful for the 12 Steps of AA. Grateful that they allowd other fellowships to utilize the Step in their recovery format. Grateful for you, without you, there is no me. https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M...=0&w=219&h=165 |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that every time I came out of a building after an appointment, it wasn't raining and I didn't get wet. Grateful that I got to see my chiropractor even though he wasn't pleased that it was 4 weeks since I had seen him. He asked me to come back in 2 weeks. Grateful that I made it to my Al-Anon meeting. I love the Traditions. We tend to forget, what is applicable to our group, can be applied to our home life and life in the community. Grateful that I got to see the heart specialist. Grateful that I remembered to take an updated list of my medications for him plus a few readings from my blood pressure test. Grateful, I think that he ordered two new medications. One is an additional fluid pill, but nt the same as I have got and has a different purpose. I was too tired tonight, so go back to discuss it tomorrow. I always check with my pharmist to make sure my medications are compatible. Grateful that curling and tennis has been on. Not so grateful that I missed the Country Music Christmas show. I thought I had it set to record, but it and Dancing With The Stars didn't copy. I had a wee talk with my son, and I reminded him that Monday nights are my nights, and he had his wrestling, and other things were off limits. Grateful that I can talk with him and not acting out in my disease and play into his games. Grateful that my body is finally calming down and I think I will be able to get some sleep. I just pray it isn't a two hour sleep. Grateful that I was able to connect with a couple of AA members while I was in the mall. Grateful that although I have had pain, it hasn't kept me from gettiing out and about and I am able to think and work through the pain. Grateful for all the people my God has put in my path, be it in person or on the internet. https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M...=0&w=235&h=177 |
Grateful for another day sober. I must admit that there were moments in the day that were not my best.
Grateful that my friend John was able to fix my computer. Grateful that he is a friend and wouldn't take any payment for it. Grateful that I was able to carry on a conversation with Darts, and realized that I should have phoned and confirmed my contract had gone through. Waiting for 45 min. only to have a no show, tried my patience and tolerance. Grateful that I was able to have an afternoon nap, if you want to call 3 hours a 'nap.' Grateful to be able to post again. I had to make additional efforts to fill the void of not being able to come and post. I do have to admit that I missed Bejewelled3 the most. :( Grateful that my son cooked a delicious dinner, roast pork, mashed potatoes and kernal corn. I made the gravy. Grateful that I had flour. I don't like to admit that I used it to make the gravy, but there was a lot of grease, so put the flour into it and whisked it up, and added potato water and chicken stock. It turned out really yummy! They say equal parts oil and butter, but I didn't measure. Grateful that I got an appointment to see the foot specialist next week. The pharmacist looked concerned and reminded me that I was diabetic. Polisporin and peroxide doesn't seem to be doing much healing, so could use some prayers. Grateful for my God, Who is the Master Healer. Grateful for my program. I qualify for just about any room you put me in. The 12 Steps are a common denminator. Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/christmas/anc12.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. Haven't been up too long to lose it. Last night was questionable, but that is another story.
Grateful for this program that guide me and lead me to my own recovery program. I had to find out what worked for me. Going back to where I came from was not an option. I chose life, and I found a willingness to stay clean and sober, no matter what. Grateful that my freezer, refrigerator, and pantry are full. That is until my son gets to it. LOL! Grateful that the sun is shining, even though I don't plan to go out and about today. Grateful that my cold hasn't gone into my chest. Trying to do what I need to do to get rid of it. Grateful that my computer fixed. I was so happy to be able to play Bejewelled3 before signing off last night. Haven't played yet today, but that is where I am heading when I leave here. Grateful for curling. I am catching up on my recorded programs. I always seem to be a day behind. I see it as shuffleboard on ice. Never did like shuffleboard, but enjoy WATCHING curling. Grateful for choices. In today, I choose to be clean and sober. Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/christmas/c378.jpg |
Grateful for my sobriety. It was touch and go for a few minutes, but I didn't buy into the game playing.
Grateful that it quit snowing. Not so grateful that it is suppose to be -5 C and more this coming week. Grateful that I didn't have to go out in the snow. Grateful that most of the snow disappeared and the sidewalks look clear. Grateful that I felt like eating tonight. Even went so far as to make it instead of opening a package. Grateful for hamburg. It can take may forms and pairs with so many things. I made my dad's favourite dinner. Brown hamburg and onions, add potato water, Worchestershire Sauce and normally I use corn start, but today I chose to use butter and flour for the gravy. I made it different tonight by adding grated carrot, minced garlic and ginger, dried thyme and sage (because a friend said I needed it for my cold) , pepper and salt to taste, and it turned out quite good. Grateful that The Voice is on tonight. Grateful that I recorded curling as I am a day late watching it. Grateful that I get thoughts to have a look see as to what is one, I find I can get myself into a rut. I found the taping of the Royal Horse Show with our Canadian Champion horse Big Ben. Next in line to watch after curling. Grateful that there are too many hours in a day. For so many years, I used to make them disappear. I had a much needed sleep today, I finally found some hours that I had missed as a result of sleeping in my chair instead of my bed. Grateful for the new guests at the sites that I post at. The holidays can be a difficult time, and there is a lot of material on the sites to help you get through each day, without using people, places and things. Grateful that each day is a new beginning. Christmas and New Year's Day are just another 24 hours, the program works one day at a time. Grateful that this picture reminds me to not leave Jesus on the cross. He is no longer there. This is a spiritual program. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/christmas/c73.jpg |
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that it rained, hoping it will take the snow off the sidewalks. Grateful that I got another couple of loads done. I really do have too many clothes, now that I have lost 30 lbs. Grateful that I had a TV dinner in the freezer, too tired after to wait for food to cook. I did put my chicken in and will cook it and then add the garlic, lemon, and ginger tomorrow. Grateful that I got some posting done today. It is always good for my soul. Grateful that there is nothing much on TV and I can read more of my Stephanie Plum book Turbo Twenty-Three. Not exactly recovery reading, very graphic in some of her descriptions. She is a bounty hunter who is very inept at what she does. Her results are more by good lucky than good management. Grateful for her books, I don't just smile when I read them, I laugh. Grateful that my eye specialist said I have almost 20/20 vision since I had the laser eye surgery. Not so grateful that I took a chuck out of my arm when my deep freezer lid fell on my arm. Grateful that it wasn't worse than it was. Grateful that I went downtown yesterday before the snow came. Grateful that when I get thoughts, I listen to them. Even more grateful, when I am able to act on them. Grateful that I got to watch the CMA Country Christmas show, watched it twice. I love Christmas music as much as I like pictures. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. |
Grateful for my sobriety. Without it, I wouldn't like to think of where I would be.
Grateful that I didn't have a reason or need or want that took my out of my building today. Grateful when I saw people coming in out of the wind and cold and thought, "Glad that is them, not me.!" :( Grateful that my booboo didn't start bleeding again when I banged it last night. It is now a bigger booboo, and my arm hurts, but I am sure there are several lessons to learn from this. Grateful that dinner turned out good tonight. I in haled it. I cooked frozen breaded chicken pieces of breast meat and made vegetable fried rice (from scratch). Grateful that I sat back and took some TV time, a backlog of Chopped Junior. I am not half way through yet, so lots of smiles and chuckles yet to come. Grateful that I remembered to go to the pharmacy and pick up my blister pack. Grateful that I have Darts booked to take me to my eye doctor appointment tomorrow and another booking for Friday to see my doctor. Grateful that I heard from a long time friend and we are going to visit her and her daughter on Christmas day. I am going to show her how to cook a turkey. Most importantly, she wants me to show her how to make gravy. Grateful, that as things stand in today, my son will be celebrating with us. Grateful for the air we breathe. I believe there was a saying of old, "Any day above ground is a good day." Grateful that the sun did shine and that there was no snow. Grateful that I qualify for taxi script. I would be even more grateful if the City cleaned the sidewalks. Grateful for friends and family. Where would we be without them? Sometimes I don't want to ask myself that. ;) Grateful for the reason for the season. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. Wishing you and yours, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. http://rsmg.pbsrc.com/albums/v738/La...owing.gif~c200 |
Grateful for an almost full day of gratitude and sobriety. It slipped for a short time this afternoon when my son was late cleaning my oven as promised.
Grateful that I got out to pick up a few groceries and go to the library. Grateful that five books I ordered had come in. Grateful that I got some dishes done. Grateful that I have my recipes and ready to go if I sleep tonight and wake up early enoough in the morning to make my pies. Grateful that my sister reminded me it is best to thaw my chicken out in the refrigerator. Grateful that I have the making of a good Christmas dinner. My son doesn't like turkey, but will eat it. So chicken, cranberries, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, glazed carrots and broccoli with a cheese creamed sauce. I hope to make pumpkin pies and cherry mixed fruit pies. Grateful that I had bought the food and had it here when Christmas plans were cancelled. Grateful that I am almost finished my James Patterson book and have an Iris Johansen on deck. Grateful that I taped some holiday specials, like one on Queen Elizabeth II. Grateful for sobriety. Having soundness of mind is a gift from God. Grateful that I got my annual Christmas call from the young man who lived next door to me for several years. He is blind and he moved to Ottawa area to be with family. Grateful that today's pain didn't have me down for the count. My head ache is better, so grateful for that. I wasn't sure I would be able to post today. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. Grateful for Christmas, and the reason for the season. The birth of the son of God, who now sits on the throne and mediates for us. https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M...=0&w=195&h=168 |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that the day came together in spite of me. Grateful that each time I got out of bed, I had no pain. It did catch up to me later, but that is okay! ;) Grateful for left overs. Grateful that my pumpkin pie was ediible, but not one of my better efforts. Grateful that I made the effort to make it. I still have enough pastry to make a fruit pie in the near future. Grateful that a couple of friends called me. Not so grateful that my phone is broken and I need to call Ma Bell. I didn't know if she was up to business today, so will call her tomorrow. Grateful for this site and all those who walk this journey with me. Grateful that I don't have to work this program alone, I just might slip and fall. Without you, there is no me. https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M...=0&w=185&h=170 |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that it is the last day of 2016. Grateful that the sun is shining, just make it outside and walk to the mall for some exercise. Grateful that I have found a new love for cooking, although too many sweets is not good. I do cut down on the sugar the recipes call for. Grateful that my first adventure to make pot pies, I have made large meat pies years and years ago, but never made the smaller ones. Even more grateful that the pastry turned out flacky and they taste good. Grateful that I am celebrating with the people from my building tonight. Dinner starts at 5 p.m., so don't think many will last to midnight. Debating about going until I heard my next door neighbour was going. Grateful for all my God's blessing in the past year. Grateful for good health, not hurting today. Even when the day starts out with pain like today when I have trouble getting out of bed, it passes, and once I am mobile, it is a good day. Not good when I becocme a couch potato. Grateful for my new group, even though I didn't make it this week. I remembered last night that it was an anniversary meeting. Grateful the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Grateful for the 5th Tradition that allows me to come here and carry the message to the alcoholic/addict who still suffers. Sometimes that person is me. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M...=0&w=234&h=177 |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful it is true sobriety, I got my phone today. Grateful for a reality check from my sponsee. She said the last time I talked to you, you said, "Your phone is crap." You generally don't talk that way. Grateful that I am able to do this, it is generally the last thing I post, when in fact, it should be one of the first. Perhaps guilt plays a part in not posting. Grateful for all the goodies that I baked and ate over the holidays. As I said to her today, "The addict in me is saying, "Now you know you can make good pastry, you should make it more often." Grateful for the program. I can turn anything into an addiction. Grateful for good music. I am watching a screen with a fireplace that has a burning log in it and jazz is playing. Just what I like, music without the words. For me, it is food for my soul. Grateful that I got out today. Got the errands run and made it to my meeting too. Grateful for my Al-Anon meeting. The topic today was Step Eleven, which is always good for discussion. Grateful for my God. As I like to say, "My God as He reveals Himself to me in today." Grateful for the food I have to eat. I made oven fries today. Not sure they were any less fat content, as I sprayed the aluminum foil pan and lightly coated them with olive oil, parsley, and salt. Grateful that the sun was shining even though it was cold and windy. Any day the sun is shining, is a good day. Grateful that I was able to pick up the books I ordered before they sent them back. I have a couple of express books that need my attention. I have to remind myself of the other people waiting to read them. Grateful for the program. Even more grateful that it is applicable to all areas of my life. It is especially so at this time of the year as I seem to be developing new areas of pain, like my shoulder, wrists and hands. Grateful for snow as long as I don't have to shovel it. It covers up a multitude of sins and makes the world a beautiful place. Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. HAPPY NEW YEAR! http://www.animatedimages.org/data/m...image-0035.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I could maintain my sobriety (soundness of mind) in all the cold and chaos. Grateful that I have food to eat, even though I don't feel like cooking it. Grateful that I remembered it was Friday and went to get my blood work done. Not so grateful that I didn't wake up in time to go play bridge. Grateful that I got out yesterday and found 5 books to add to my collection. Not sure why I even went looking for them, unless it is habit. Perhaps there is something there that I need to read and see. Maybe it was just to make me aware that I was such a bookaholic. Grateful that curling is on. Forgot to turn it on when I came home, which is probably a good thing, because I might not have got this posted. Grateful that I have finally thawed out to some degree. Now I have to decide whether to eat, sleep, watch TV or read. Such hard decisions to make, LOL!!! Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://angelwinks.ca/iq/qck407.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful the snow we had yesterday didn't develop into much, even thou we are promised more tomorrow. Glad I got out today. Grateful that the sun was shining and I was able to walk downtown and part of the way home. Grateful for the bargains I got at Nation's Foods. Wish I had energy to go to do more shopping, but got what I could for today. Grateful that an AA member came over to me and said hello to me while I was shopping. It always give me a spiritual boost. Grateful that I have choices. Grateful for a program that allows me to be me. Grateful that I don't have to stay clean and sober on my own. Without you, there is no me. Grateful that the 12 Step program is applicable to all areas of my life. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://animated-gifs.org/wp-content/...kisses-ag1.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. Wasn't awake too much of it to lose it.
Grateful that my son took one look at me and said, "Go back to bed. You are not going out and you are not going to your Al-Anon meeting." Grateful that I listened to him, although I am still not feeling well. Having heart murmers aftr making an apple pie and helping him eat it. Truthfully, wanted to get my share or it might have disappeared. Grateful that a day can start any time. My day started at 4:41 p.m. when he woke me up to make the gravy. Grateful that he cooked dinner. Grateful that he peeled to potatoes to make fries and the apples to make the pie. Grateful that curling is on today and tomorrow. Grateful that the Australian Open Tennis Tournament starts on Monday. Grateful that the Ontario Curling trials start on Monday too. Hoping that they are televised. Grateful for my shows, wondering when I am going to get my book read that is due on the 13, altough I might get away with taking it back on the 14th, if my son is around. So much depends on the snow, so glad for taxi script. Grateful that I got my grocery shopping done yesterday. I even made it to the library and the mall, before it got too slippery. I ended up taking a taxi home instead of the bus because I slipped getting into the cab. Grateful that I don't have much more to post as I am starting to hurt and running out of steam. Grateful that my home group Four Directions is tomorrow. Hope to be well enough to go. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://images2.fanpop.com/image/phot...90-600-664.gif |
Can't believe it has been so long since I posted a gratitude list.
Grateful for my sobriety. Grateful that I am clean and sober today. Grateful that I got to my home group today. Grateful for the people who set up the meeting, today I tried to do what I could. Service is so important, and has always been necessary for my sobriety. Grateful that my son cooked me lunch when I got home. Grateful that I got to see my heart specialist. He has discontinued one of the heart medications that he had me on and increased my fluid pills. Grateful that I have Darts, even though the waiting time can try my patience. Grateful for the prayers that have been sent, feeling better today. Not my feet today, it is my neck. LOL! Grateful for a sense of humour, even if it is a bit dry or sarky on occasion. Grateful for the program of recovery. Grateful that I can go to old posts and find what I need in today. The program never grows old, I do! Grateful that I quit kicking and screaming and accepting of my old age in today. Grateful even though the pain has aged me 10 years, I have begun too feel old. I think I need a rejuvination of spirit and a change in attitude. Grateful that a day can start any time. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://storage.proboards.com/374052/...jsxaleJDr9.jpg |
Grateful to be alive and sober today!
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful that I got to see my sister. I was to take her Christmas gift to her. Grateful that my sister cut my hair. Grateful to get out of the city, even though the sun was behind the rain clouds. Grateful that I got another nap that became a 3 hour sleep. Grateful that my son put dinner on while I was on the phone talking to a friend. Grateful for friends, they make the day just a little better. Grateful that I woke up with very little pain this morning. Was hurting when I got home from my visit to my sister's and woke up with no pain after my sleep. Prayer does work. Thank you for your prayers. Grateful for my God. He revealed Himself to me many ways in today. One way being a taxi ride home when a Dart van wasn't available. Grateful I didn't have to pay the bill which was over $43. Phone calls from two friends. My son cooking dinner again. Grateful for those who journey on this recovery road with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/thoughtp...ghtpod1015.jpg |
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for the food I have to eat, even though I don't necessarily want what I have. I just had the thought, "I am grateful that the chicken crossed the road and made it's way to my pot." Now you know how sick and tired I am. Not only tired from posting, tired of chicken. Grateful that I got my prescription renewed. Not so grateful that I was told that I had a stomach flu and there was nothing I could do but let it run it's course. I haven't been sick at my stomach, so couldn't see it being the flu, but that is my opinion. I saw a medical student who confirmed it with my doctor. :( Grateful that I don't always have to be right, even when I think my way is the right way. Grateful that we can agree to disagree. Grateful that I decided to write this list instead of keeping it for another day. I believe that is called procrastination. That is what I do with my laundry. I have too many clothes. Grateful that January is almost over. The January Blues can get you down. So grateful that the 12 Steps are applicable to all areas of my life. Grateful that I got some sleep today after being awake all night, after the nap I had yesterday, that turned into a sleep. I am coming up on sleep time again, so will say sorry in case that doesn't make sense. Grateful that I have been able to watch tennis. There is now a half hour wait until the feature match, being played Australia time. I need to get myself to bed and watch the match tomorrow. Grateful that I am aware, can admit, and accept, and lately I have been having problems with following up with action. Not sure if my attitude gets in the way or that it is my lack of action which gives me attitude. ;) Grateful that each day is a new beginning, don't know where this all came from, my HP or me, so I will say goodnight! Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://grade8computers-2010-11-mp4-p...ancing_pig.gif |
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for the 1st Step, it is the beginning of manageability in my life. My life is unmanageable, when managed by me. Grateful for acceptance, something I have been working on. I put it on the floor for discussion today at my group. Grateful that the tools of recovery, are applicable to daily living, not just my disease. Grateful that I made it too my group, grateful for Darts. I have been learning to appreciate them a little more, especially on rainy days. Grateful that my son cooked dinner tonight. I enjoyed and told him so. Grateful that even though my blood pressure is higher than usual, it hasn't gone over 180 again. I find it very ironic, that every time I take my BP, it goes up instead of down. I had to laugh today, the song, Let us go to the chapel and let us get married came on the PA. My BP jumped from 149/80 to 174/85. Grateful for the ability to laugh at myself. Grateful for the gifts of sobriety. Grateful for tennis. So glad I can record it and not miss out on my day. Grateful for James Patterson. Can't go far wrong when you pick up one of his books. Grateful that I can still read. My vision tested at almost 20/20, but vision is sometimes blurred. I think it is because of my diabetes. I also think it is because I don't always make healthy choices in my diet. I am guilty of the fact that some days I don't care. God and I are working on this. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/kayomi/kayomi21.jpg |
Here I am, late with my gratitude again.
Grateful for my sobriety. I have it now, not too sure about later today when and if I see my doctor. Grateful that I did get the appointment to see him, now it remains to be seen as to whether I get to discuss what is bothering me. Grateful that my son got some work. It is not good for him to be idle. Grateful that I have darts. I don't have to worry about cold and snow. Grateful for a healthy appetite. Now I am worried about eating too much. Grateful that me feet aren't swelling, but will be if I don't get off this computer soon. LOL! Grateful for friends and family. Grateful for all those who travel this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qcbearfriendcard1.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that John is coming to fix my computer, even though he slept in. LOL! Grateful that the sun is shining. Grateful that I have food to eat. Even better, I have choices. Grateful for the roof over my head, even though Housing doesn't always keep it's word. Grateful for the program that helps me deal with life's trials and tribulations, one day at a time. I can't, my God can. Grateful that John slept in, because it allowed me to do a lot of posting. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M...=0&w=300&h=300 |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I wasn't hurt when I fell into the bathtub. All I got were a few extra bruises and hot spots. Grateful my son was here to watch the Super Bowl. Grateful that I called my chiropractor's office on Friday, to change my Wednesday's appointment to Monday. I was already hurting before the fall, so need to see him. He has always been my lifesaver and I don't think I would be sane and sober without him. Grateful that after going home and resting, I was able to go back downtown to pay my Bell bill and treat myself to dinner at the Nations's Food buffet. After 4 p.m. it is $4.99/lb instead of $6.99/lb. Grateful that I was able to touch base with three of my friends today. Grateful that I went to the library and found a book that I had ordered by Michael Connelly. Grateful that I can record shows, now I need to take a time off to finish my book that is due tomorrow. Grateful for a day filled with sunshine. Grateful that the Davis Cup Tennis Championship between Canada and Britian. Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. http://www.picturesanimations.com/h/...20big20hug.gif |
Grateful for a day of sobriety.
Grateful that this program is one day at a time. Grateful that I hadn't called Darts on Tuesday because of the freezing rain. Grateful that my body didn't protest too much after my fall. I am still sore, but it could have been so much worse, all things considered. I realized that I blacked out between the time I reached for the fallen deodorant and me landing in the bathtub. I don't remember landing. Perhaps this is a good thing, but didn't realize how much my body was in shock. Grateful that I got to my group today. The streets of Hamilton were not kind. Grateful that I was able to book darts for next Monday night, a good friend is sharing her story at a group that I haven't been to in a long time. The Liberty group was a big part of my early recovery. Grateful to see a member of our group, who decided to leave and join the East End group. I belonged to that group a few years ago. A group, I moved and my disability kept me house bound for a few years. My focus was on Al-Anon. Grateful for the 12 Steps, they are the common denominator between all the fellowships. Grateful for today, it was a good day. I had to pray for the willingness to be willing to come back online. I had to take a break, but I think I got a lot caught up. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://images28.fotki.com/v988/photo...nnyHugs-vi.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. Due to the fact that I am late, the day is only a few minutes old, but I am still doing Monday.
Grateful for the gifts of today. Grateful that I got to hear an old friend share her store. She had great humor and I identified a lot with her. Grateful that I connect with another friend who had traveled most of my journey with me. Grateful that my son cooked dinner and all I had to do was make the gravy and heat up chicken, rice, and mixed veggies in the microwave when I got home from the AA meetings. Grateful to see some old faces although I had forgotten the names a lot of the names. It must be at least 15 years since I have been to the group. What was nice, was the fact that one of the members often comes to my group, so it was nice to connect with her. Blessing abound all over the place. Grateful that a day starts any time. My day didn't start until 1:30 p.m. today because I was up with pain all night. That is okay, because it allowed me to rest up for what I needed to do today. Grateful that I got to my doctor's office and got the result of my blood work. He said I am good. I still haven't gotten the answer as to how come I keep losing my balance. Grateful that later today, I am going to the Holistic Center for a treatment. It is much overdue. Grateful for all the people that my God has put in my path, on line and off line. Grateful for those who share this journey with me. May God grant you many blessing too. http://valentines-day.halinaking.co....tine%27s%20Day |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that yesterday ended and I have a start to a new day. Grateful that I got sleep, perhaps I needed it, but I never got what I thought I needed to get done yesterday. I guess my God had other plans. Grateful that I got side tracked when I was going to go down to the pharmacy and take my blood pressure again. It would have only have added to my fear if it has dropped low again. I could feel my heart labouring, so that is why I went to bed. All I did was eat my dinner and change out of my clothes and into my night gown to go to bed. Grateful that all is quiet on the western front. The wicked witch of the West, is well and able to post. Grateful that I am going to see my sister tomorrow. Going there for when she gets home from church. She said church was at 9:30 a.m. and that is too early for me. To get out there I would have to have a dart pick up of 8:30 a.m. I don't do mornings well, never have. Grateful that she has invited me for lunch. Grateful that each new day is a beginning. I started this day at 10:30 p.m. after a long nap. I am hoping it decides to end soon, so I can get sleep so I can do what I want to do in today. ;) Grateful that my son cooked dinner. Grateful that I had a can of tomatoes in the refrigerator, I like them cold, to have with the burgers. A strange combination, but it worked for me. Can't go wrong with a burger topped by cheese, fried onions, relish, tomato, Mayo, and lettuce. Grateful that I got to chair my group on Thursday. Grateful that we had a newcomer. They always carry a great message. It isn't any better out there, I don't need to go back out and do research. I will just STAY. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/n...20and20cat.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful even though it doesn't show it, far too many days since I posted a list. Maybe that is why my God gave me a couple of signs today to put some gratitude into my attitude. Grateful that I got a call from my sister today. She was told today that once you have been diagnosed with congestive heart failure, you never get rid of it. I said, "That is funny, I got told that I had congestive heart and kidney failure about 13 years ago." Grateful that my sister called me to say that she was back in the hospital. I have been thinking of her since Sunday when she said she wasn't feeling well. She had been in the hospital since Tuesday. Grateful that I was able to do some of the breathing exercises the lung specialist told me to do yesterday. Grateful that I was aware. I kept remembering her saying, "That is what you do when you don't pick up a drug." I had told her that when I breathed in, I took it to where the pain was and then let it go. I realized that I hadn't been doing it in my meditations. Grateful for the tools of recovery. They work when I pick them up, work them and apply them to my life. Knowing they are there is not enough, I need to utilize them. Gratitude for the following, what I called a spiritual awakening: Quote:
Grateful that I have freedom of choice today. I choose recovery. Grateful that I found a place today, to me I was spiritual lead. I turned right instead of left when I went into the mall, I found myself downstairs at the Eaton's Centre and I think I go there about twice a year. I found a place that sells hamburgers and they have a special for $5.00 plus a small fry and taxes. I got a slice of cheese on my burger, my bun toasted, and I had a choice as to what I wanted and how much I wanted on my burger. A real meal deal and I think I will be going back. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e3..._shothug-1.gif |
Grateful for another day sober. Can`t say that sobriety factored too much into my day.
Grateful that I could have the time with my son although he just had to go to do his Friday night thing. I was a surprise that he agreed to go. As we walked there, he informed me that he had eaten two of my TV dinner sales that I got because he was hungry and didn`t want to have anything to do with anything in regard to cooking. Grateful that I was able to walk down to the restaurant. I took a taxi back and top top my day, it cost me $9. instead of the $7. it should have been. Grateful that I didn`t pull a hissy fit. I did inform her that it was the worst service I had experienced in a long time. I did give her $2. for a $24.+ bill. Grateful that I got a call from a long time friend and sponsee. Grateful that I also got to talk to my sister and my friend who lives down the hall. Grateful that I can edit my posts, I was surprised at how many errors I had made. My hands have been bad, the tremon disorder has had a mind of it`s own and I think they are sending mixed messages to my fingers. I often end up with a word that is unrecognizable. Grateful that each new day is a new beginning. I woke up about 5 p.m. and here it is, 27 minutes into a new day. Some of my days are of short duration. Grateful that I have a sense of humor and can laugh at myself. Sometimes I think I am a riot, other days, I think I am as crazy as a hoot owl as my father use to say. He did call me a kook! Grateful that the weather is going to be milder. Not so grateful for the thunder I heard and the lighting that made itself known as it lit up the sky. It is February! Not exactly the weather one would expect here in Ontario. Grateful for all those who have stuck by me and walk this journey with me. https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.8...=0&w=300&h=300 |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. It is four hours into today and I have slept them away. I am surprised as I had an afternoon sleep as well.
Grateful that I got to my chiropractor today. He helps to align the body which allows my zig to go with my zag. Grateful that I made it to the library. I took back four books and returned with 7. Grateful that I have the Scotties recorded. I would have missed a lot of the games this week because I was out and about so much. Grateful that we have choices. At the moment Ontario is playing Northern Ontario, and the games are being held in St. Catharines. It has been such a long time since I have been there. I think I am cheering for Northern Ontario, they are the underdogs. They are losing at the moment. Grateful that I ate today. It was a grazing day, a little bit here and a little bit there, and nothing that took a lot of work on my part. I am always trying to tempt my appetite. Not sure all my choices were healthy. Toasted raisin bread with chive and onion cream cheese, white cheddar popcorn, strawberries, chocolate mints (not good for a diabetic-told myself they were dark chocolate and that made it okay. I believe they call it self-justification, another word for bull-sh*t) Grateful that I have booked Darts to go to an AA meeting tonight. I haven't been getting to my Al-Anon meetings because of doctor's appointments. Grateful that my calendar is clear this week. Grateful that I am more open to using Darts. It means I can get out at night. Grateful that my sister is home from the hospital. Perhaps I should say, I hope she is home, I never heard from her and I didn't want to call if she was in bed. Grateful for those who prayed for her. Your prayers are much appreciated. Grateful that each day is a new beginning. I get to practice the principles of the Steps and apply them to my life. Some days it is hard to be forgiving, especially toward myself. Grateful that we get to try again, and make each day the best that it can be. Grateful that I got some sleep, I don't think it will be long before I sleep again. If I remember rightly, the last time I typed my gratitude list, I fell asleep at my desk. This is strange for someone who spent so many days not sleeping. Grateful for all those who share this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/gmpod/gmpod23.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for another full week. Grateful that I got in an extra meeting on Tuesday. Grateful that I made it to my group today. A newcomer lives close to me and offered to take me to a meeting when she goes. Grateful for the food I have to eat. I am waiting for two small chickens to brown and crisp up before I make gravy. Grateful that I got fixings to go with it. Cranberry sauce, asparagus, stuffing, and potatoes done in the roasting pan. Grateful that The Voice is back on. Not too grateful that Gwen Steffani is on, I really liked Miley Cyrus last year. Grateful that Dancing with the Stars is coming on. My son said he heard that Mr. T is going to be on this year. Will have to check it out. Grateful that I am going to the Holistic Center, even more grateful that I am getting to see Bill Marsh. Grateful that I got to see my chiropractor, hoping that Bill will be able to finish the job of aligning my body. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/huggers/huggers13.jpg |
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