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Old 08-08-2013, 10:20 AM   #2
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idealists - ( i dee uh lists ) - 156 - dreamers / visionaries / people who are
influenced by ideals that our often in disagreement with practical considerations
ideal - ( i deal ) - 70, 101, 157, 165, 190 ideals - ( i dealz ) - 68, 156
- goal / aim / worthy principle / standard of perfection or excellence
- perfect / the best / completely or highly satisfactory ( 157 )
identification - ( i den tuh fuh kay shun ) - 17
- connection / recognition / affiliation
ignorance -( ig nur unts )- 117 - lack of awareness, knowledge, or learning
ignore -( ig nor )- 93 - disregard / neglect / fail to care for / refuse to see
ill-conceived -( il kun seev’d )- 171 - bad ideas / poorly thought or planned
illusion - ( il oozshun ) - 104, 113 - error in perception, concept, or belief
imagination -( m aj uh nay shun )- 100, 101, 147 - mental images or plans
immediate -( m ee de it/ ut )-23,80,102- instant / direct / close / near / primary
immense -( m ents )- 21, 70, 74, 98, 121, 180, 192 - extremely large / huge /
enormous / immeasurable / of extraordinary size, importance, or power
immensely -(m ents lee)-46,164 - enormously / tremendously / extraordinarily
imminent -( m uh nunt )- 176 - near / impending / about to occur at any time
immorality -( m or al uh tee )- 48 - being against established moral principles
impasses - ( m pass uz ) - 118
- situations that are extremely difficult or impossible to escape or resolve
impassive -( m pass iv )-137 - expressionless / emotionless / motionless / still
impatient -( m pay shunt )- 81 - unable to be patient or tolerant to irritations
imperative - ( m pair uh tiv ) - 157, 177
- an urgent obligation / immediately necessary / a demanded course of action
imperious - ( m pair e us ) - 43
- arrogantly domineering / commanding / pressing / overbearing / dictatorial
implanted -( m plant id )- 157 - set firmly / established securely / fixed in mind
implicate - ( m pluh kate ) - 192 - cause to appear involved in
implication - ( m pluh kay shun ) - 68, 75, 106 - meaning / underlying
importance / indirectly indicated meaning or significance
imploring - ( m ploor ing ) - 32 - begging / urgently asking / praying for
impose - ( m poze ) - 172 - force
imposes - ( m poze uz ) - 37, 44 - forces / inflicts / dictates
impossibly - ( m poss ub lee ) - 30, 119
- incapable of being ( 30 ) / extremely / unacceptably / unbearably / intolerably
impractical -( m prak ti kul )-132- useless / unworkable / impossible / unwise
impressing -( m press ing )- 120 - strongly affecting / to gain admiration from
improbable - ( m prob uh bul ) - 106 - unbelievable / unsubstantial / unlikely
inability -( n uh bil uh tee )-53,100- lack of ability / incapacity / powerlessness
inadequacy -( n ad uh kwuh see )- 51 - failing or lacking / being incapable of accomplishing anything satisfactorily / ineffectiveness / powerlessness / lack
in a walk - 30 - easily and without effort ( U.S. Colloquial )
incalculable - ( n kal kyuh luh bul ) - 187 - impossible to estimate or foresee
incapable -( n kape uh bul )-32,107-lacking / lacking in needed skills or power
incessant - ( n sess unt ) - 53 - continuous / unending / endless / constant
inclined -( n kline’d )- 45 - drawn toward / slanted / leaned / tilted / biased
in confidence -( in kon feh dunce )- 78,142 - privately / with trust / faithfully
inconsiderately - ( n kun sid ur ut lee ) - 118
- thoughtlessly / without consideration for others’ feelings / carelessly
incorporated -( n kor puh ray tid )- 190 - formed into a legal corporation
indecision -( n d siz shun )- 41 - inability to make up one’s mind / doubt
indeed - 22,23,26,32,37,40,63,64,67,70,74,85,93,103,109,132 ,142 - in point
of fact / real / true / in truth / actually / really / not just this but also / even
indefinitely - ( n deaf uh nit lee ) - 69, 81, 90
- for an undetermined or undefined amount of time / not definite / no defined
indescribable -( n deh skry bu bul )-50-impossible to describe / unspeakable
index of maladjustments - ( … mal ad just munts ) - 48 - a list, catalog, or
guide that points out one’s areas of inability to adjust to the demands of
interpersonal relationships and the stresses of daily living
indifference -( n dif ur unts )-5,28,112 - thinking it doesn’t matter one way or the other / lack of interest, emotion or enthusiasm / apathy
indignation - ( n dig nay shun ) - 46
- anger / anger brought about by something thought unjust, mean, or unworthy
individualists -( n duh vidj oo uh lists )-146- see ego-driven individualists
- those who identify themselves as acting from, or assert themselves by,
independence of thought and action
indulged - ( n dulj’d ) - 92 - engaged / gratified / contented / participated
inebriates -( in ee bree uts )- 170 - drunks / persons who are habitually drunk
ineffective -( n ee fek tiv ) - 90 - useless / unable to be or do as desired
inescapable -( n eh skay puh bul )- 73 - certain / sure / impossible to escape
inescapably - ( n eh skay puh blee ) - 105 - certainly / surely
inevitable -( n ev eh tuh bul )-149-predictable / impossible to prevent or avoid
inevitably -( n ev eh tuh blee )-135,164 - as expected / predictably / invariably
inexperienced - ( n ik spear e unts’d ) - 60
- lacking in experience / lacking in the knowledge gained from experience
infallible -( n file uh bul )- 60 - incapable of being wrong / certain / unerring
inferior -( n fear e ur )-123 - lower in class, quality, or rank / [ inferior + type ]
( reference to the psychological term “inferiority complex” is most fitting in the context
of this text passage ) see definition at - inferiority
inferiorities -( n fear e or uh teez )- 123 - feelings or thoughts of self doubt
inferiority - ( n fear e or uh tee ) - 51 - exaggerated feelings of personal
inadequacy / self doubt / thoughts or feelings of being ‘less than’ most others /
( “inferiority complex” - ( a th***y popularized by psychologist Alfred Adler ) -
A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.
infidelity -( in fuh del uh tee )- 114 - sexual unfaithfulness / betrayal of moral
obligations / lack of faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances
infiltrate -( n fil tray’t )- 27 - enter / become established in / pass into / seep
inflict -( n flik’t )- 81 - force / cause others to experience or deal with / impose
inflicted -( n flik tid )-174-caused or brought about as a burden or punishment
influence -( n flew unts )- 58 - effect influences -( …unts uz )- 117 - effects
in Heaven's name - 130 - ‘ in the power or majesty of God or Heaven’
initial -( eh nish ul / n ish ul )- 74 - beginning / first / early / starting
initially -( eh nish ul e / n ish ul e )- 11 - in the beginning / at the start
injure -( n jur )- 7,10,50,83,108,147 - to cause harm, damage, or distress to
injustice - ( n juss tiss ) - 97 - unfairness / wrong / useless suffering and hardship
in kind - 80 - as repayment / in the same kind or way as that received
innovations - ( in uh vay shuns ) - 147
- introducing new ideas, methods, devices, or unusual things
innumerable -( in noo mur uh bul )-27- countless / too many to be numbered
inquire -( n kwire )- 76 - ask / examine / explore / question / investigate
inquirers -( n kwire urz )-16 - those who inquire / those who seek information
inquiries-( n kwire eez / n kware ez )-52,180-searches for information or truth
inquiring-( n kwire ing )-180-information seeking / knowledge or truth seeking
insatiable - ( n say shuh bul ) - 85 - impossible to satisfy / unable to fill
inscription -( n skrip shun )- 34 - etched, printed, or engraved writing
insecurity -( n seh kure uh tee )- 6, 39, 52, 53, 121 - uncertainty / lack of
stability / doubt / trouble / being or feeling unsafe, subject to failure, danger,
damage, suffering loss, or being overcome / also see emotional insecurity
in sharp contrast with - 84 - in obvious and extreme difference between
insight -( n site )- 7, 56, 80 - wisdom / thorough or mature understanding /
power to see or know the true nature of a person of situation
insist -( n sist )- 42, 50, 53, 60 - demand / claim / require / to be firm in a
demand / to state, express or demand strongly and continuously
insist on -60 insist upon -42.53 - are firm about / require / claim / see insist
insisted -( n siss tid )- 115,123,152 - demanded / claimed / see insist
insistence -( n siss tunts )- 24,182 - firm demand or requirement / see insist
insistently -( n siss tunt lee )- 85 - forcefully / firmly / over & over / see insist
instability -( n stuh bil uh tee )-51 - insecurity / unsteadiness / unsteady state
instinct -( n stink’t )- 21, 35, 36, 42, 44, 64, 118, 176, 187
instincts -( n stinks )- 6,9,42,44,49,50,52,64,66,71,80,114 - natural urges,
impulses, or tendencies naturally occurring at birth, that are needed for human
survival and effective function such as hunger, thirst, pleasure and pain, fears,
reflexes, and desire for sex / an inborn pattern of behavior and reaction
responses / See Page 42- First paragraph and later; “Our desires for sex,
for material and emotional security, and for an important place in society…” instinctive -( n stink tiv )- 6,49,64 - of, relating to, or caused by instinct / acting or happening without apparent forethought or planning / automatic /
natural urges or forces that motivate or energize / also see instinct
instinctual -( n stingk - chuh wul / chul / shwul / chewul )- 65, 72
- of, relating to, coming from, or caused by instinct - see instinct
instinctual drives - 65 - natural urges or forces that motivate, energize, guide, control, or direct / also see instinct
in stride - 114 - calmly / without interrupting one’s normal routine
insurance-( n sure unts )-8,92,151 -protection / safeguard / a protective action
integrity-( n teg reh tee )-165,191 - soundness / wholeness / strength / honor / honesty / stability / steady and firm following of a strict moral or ethical code
intellect-( n teh lekt )-29,30-reason / the thinking, learning and reasoning mind
intellectuality - ( n tuh lek / chewl / shul / chu wul / al eh tee ) - 5
- being intellectual / intellectual ( reasoning, thinking ) power or ability
intellectually -( n tuh lek chewl / shul / chu wul / ee )-29 - mentally / in an intellectual manner / intelligently / knowledgeably / thoughtfully / of the intellect
intellectually self-sufficient - 29 - believing one can provide for oneself without the help of others by using one’s knowledge and mental abilities
intemperance -( n temp ur unts )- 185 - see characteristic intemperance
intended -( n tend id )- 47,65 - planned / designed for / aimed for / meant
intending -( n tend ing )- 104 - planning / having it in mind / meaning
intends -( n tendz )- 35 - plans / has in mind / means
intensely -( n tents lee )- 70,101 - extremely / deeply / strongly / terribly
intent -( in tent )- 103, 182 - meaning / purpose / aim / see intention
intention - ( n ten shun ) - 40 s -( …shunz )- 93, 104
( best intentioned-113 / well-intentioned-60,71,103 / Good intentions-93 )
- plan / course of action one intends, plans, or hopes to follow or achieve
interference -( n tur fear unts )- 161 - obstruction / intrusion / meddling
inter-group - 168, 174, 191 - a group of elected representatives and/or
volunteers from individual group meetings in a specific geographic area,
serving to provide information and services that are not easily obtained or achieved by the members of a single group meeting. They also help form
reliable communication links between group meetings and their members.
interwoven -( n tur woe vun )- 98 - mixed or ‘woven’ together / blended
intimate - ( n tuh mit ) - 140-141, 185 - very close / personal /
trustworthy ( 140-141 ) / very personal / private ( 185 )
intimation -( n tuh may shun )- 164 - hint / suggestion / pointing out
intolerably -( n tah lur uh be )-38-very unpleasantly / unbearably / impossibly
intolerance -( n tah lur unts )- 10, 140 - being intolerant / see intolerant
intolerant -( n tah lur unt )-140 - unable or unwilling to endure or ‘tolerate‘
differences in opinions, practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs
in trust -164- entrusted / placed in the care of another (...Foundation a sum…)
intuitions -( n to ish unz )- 97 - insights / internal impressions / immediate awarenesses / knowing or sensing without the use of thinking processes
invariably -( n vair e ub lee )- 22 - always / without fail / consistently
inventory -( n vun tor ey )- 6, 8, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 58, 77,
88, 89, 90, 91, 107, 108 - survey / accounting / measure / a detailed list,
report, record, evaluation, or survey of things, personal conduct, or qualities
- inventories - 89, 90 inventory-taking - 93 / see inventory
invitation - ( n va tay shun ) - 80, 167
- invite / request for someone to take part or be present / attraction
inwardly -( n word lee )- 58 - privately , to oneself / within / in the inside
irate - ( eye rate ) - 168 - angry / extremely angry / furious / enraged
irrational - ( eh rash uh nul ) - 33 - unreasonable / lacking in sound judgment
irrationality-( eh rash uh nal uh tee )-33-unreasonableness / being irrational
irregularities -( eh reg yuh lair uh teez )- 86 - abnormal actions / deviations
irreparable -( eh rep ruh bul / eh ruh pair uh bul )- 187 - impossible to repair
irrepressible -( eh ree press uh bul )- 181 - impossible to control or restrain
irresistible -( eh ree ziss tuh bul )- 130 - impossible to resist / overwhelming
irresponsibility -( eh ree spon suh bil uh tee )- 51 - being irresponsible
irresponsible -( eh ree spon suh bul )- 81,118,162,165 - lacking a sense of responsibility or care / careless / unthinking / unreliable / negligent
irritable -( ear it uh bul )-81- easily annoyed / abnormally sensitive to stimulus
ism - ( iz um ) - 8, 92, 155 and as predominately used in ‘recovery circles’
- forming a term denoting a peculiarity or characteristic - example: alcoholism
- expresses the action or conduct of a class of persons - example: big-shot-ism
- descriptive terms, for principles or doctrines - examples: agnosticism, atheism
- ( I, Self, and Me is often mentioned of ism in recovery circles. )
isolated -( ice uh lay tid )- 124,165 -set away from all others / apart / detached
isolation -( ice uh lay shun )- 6,7,57,62,82,116 - being isolated - see isolated
issues -( ish ooz )- 12,85,134,176,177,179,189,192- gives / passes ( 134 )
- points or matters of discussion / matters of public concern ( 12, 85, 176, 177 )
issue -( ish oo )- 12,80,148,170,173,176,178 - give / pass ( 12, 80, 148, 173 )
- point or matter of discussion / matter of public concern ( 170, 176, 178 )
Jack Alexander - 162,186 - a writer for ‘The Saturday Evening Post’
magazine who’s magazine article of 1941 about A.A. greatly enhanced A.A’s introduction to the world. / also see Saturday Evening Post
jag - 90 - spree / an excessive period of time involved in an activity /
- also see emotional dry benders
jealous -( jel us)-94- resentfully or painfully desirous of another’s advantages /
envious / fearful of the loss of position or affection / possessive / see jealousy
jealousy -( jel us e )- 8,44,80,88,90 - resentful or painful desire for another’s
advantage / envy / a jealous attitude or mood, inclination, temperament,
disposition / possessiveness // jealousy is basically fear and anger: anger
that you don’t have what others may have and fear you won’t ever get what they have - or - fear that something or someone will take what you have
jealously - ( jel us lee ) - 129 - watchfully / possessively / vigilantly
jeopardize - ( jep ur dize ) - 50, 151 - expose to loss or injury / endanger
John Barleycorn -24,29 - alcoholic drinks / fermented alcoholic beverages /
the ‘personification’ ( giving human qualities [ name ‘John’ ] to things that are not human ) of barley grain from which malt liquor, alcoholic beverages, have been made for hundreds of years / barley ‘corn’ is the seed of the barley plant
journals - ( jur nulz ) - 180 - magazines / newspapers / periodicals
judgment - ( juj munt ) - 7, 50, 83, 84, 91, 135 judgments - 7, 82
- decision making / an opinion or estimate formed after consideration or deliberation / reasoning / appraisal / evaluation / determination
juggernaut -( jug ur not )- 37,38 - something to which persons blindly devote themselves, and / or to which people are ruthlessly sacrificed
juncture -( junk chur )- 26, 174 - time / point / critical or decisive point in time
justice -( jus tus )- 93, 97,105, 116 - fairness / fair treatment and due reward
justifiable anger - ( jus tuh fie uh bul …) - 90 - anger that seems right, defendable, or excusable because it appears to have a real reason or cause
justified -( jus tuh fyed )- 46,84,90,94 - defendable / defensible / warranted /
reasonable, right, or ‘just’ based on causes or reasons considered real and true
justify -( jus tuh fye )- 49,60 - explain, defend, or support / excuse / rationalize
keener - 123 - closer / more accurate, intense, clear, or careful / sharper
keenly -( keen lee )- 108 - clearly / strongly / accurately / perceptively
kettle -( ket ul )-78- a metal pot for cooking / see tosspot calls a kettle black
keynotes - 93,187 - underlying parts or themes / leading idea or course of
action ( 93 ) / sets the tone for or guides ( 187 )
kinship - 6, 57 - relationship / relationship in respect of qualities or character
laborer is worthy of his hire - 137 - ( Bible - Luke X ) - a worker is worth his
pay / a worker has a right to his reward / the worker deserves his wages
laborers - ( lay bur / bor ur ) - 137 - workers / those who work or ‘labor’
laid hold - 22, 107 - seized / claimed / possessed / took hold / what lays
hold of, touches, or moves the mind or feelings, or moves physically
landslide of appeals - 162 - an overwhelming amount of requests for help
last - see Shoemaker stick to thy last - 150 - a wooden model of the foot, on which shoemakers shape boots and shoes / “Let the cobbler stick to his last”
last-gaspers -(… gas purz )- 22 - near death / near their last ‘gasp’ of breath
last straw - 26 - see the last straw
laurels -( lor ulz / lar ulz )- 85 - past achievements - see rest on our laurels
lavish-( lav ish )-81-give a great amount of / shower / give in great abundance
lavishes -( lav ish iz )- 129 - showers / greatly gives
lavishly -(lav ish lee )- 160 - a great or excessive amount / very generously
lay therapist - 136 - nonprofessional / not related to a particular profession /
- a nonprofessional specialist in treating a particular illness or disability
league - ( leeg ) - 75 - see bush-league pinch hitter
ledger -( lej ur )-94 - a book in which debits ( losses ) and credits are posted
legacies -( leg uh seez )-151 - ideas, experiences, or things of value passed down from one generation to another / inheritance / tradition / heritage
legalities -( lee gal eh teez )-159-lawfulness or questions about points of law
legions - ( lee junz ) - 180 - multitude / large number / very large groups
legitimate - ( luh jit uh mit ) - 44, 123, 124 - true / rightful / lawful / standard
lend - 11, 155, 159 - allow the use of / loan / offer for use as support
lessened - ( less un’d ) - 78 - reduced / made less severe or more bearable
lesser - ( less ur ) - 114 - smaller / smaller in amount, value, or importance
lest - 11, 83, 97, 155 - for fear that
letterbox - ( let ur box ) - 162 - mailbox / a private box for incoming mail
letterhead -( let ur hed )- 181 - the imprint or header at the top of letter paper
letter-perfect-153- correct to the last detail / precisely correct / exactly worded
leveled off a bit -( lev ul’d… )- 177 - became a little more stable or consistent
liability - ( lie uh bil uh tee ) - 22 - handicap / thing that holds one back
liabilities - ( lie uh bil uh teez ) - 6, 42, 46, 59, 88 - things for which one is
responsible / obligations / debts / - things that hold one back / handicaps
liable -( lie uh bul )- 45 - likely / at risk / subject to an unfavorable outcome
liberation - ( lib uh ray shun ) - 5, 21, 7
- being set free / release from confinement, bondage, or enslavement
liberty -( lib ur tee )-9,10,129,130,146,173- freedom / independence / self-rule
license -( lie sunz / ligh sunts )-130- excessive freedom / lack of due restraint
lick them - 153 - defeat them / overcome them / get the better of them
likened - ( lie kun’d ) - 150 - compared / shown as similar
likewise - ( like wize ) - 97 - similarly / in the same way / as well / also
line of cleavage - 167 - see cleavage
lingering -( ling gur ing )- 114 - slowly moving or leaving / slowly progressing
linkage - ( link ij ) - 98 - connection / interconnection / tie-in / relationship
literal -( lit ur ul / litter ul )-23,64 - real / same / factual / being exactly like the
meaning of the word/s used to describe something / without exaggeration
littered -( lit urd )-135 - scattered / sprinkled / covered / spread here and there
livelihood - ( live lee hood ) - 155 - way of support / living / keep / money
loaf - 49 - pass time without working or in avoiding work / ( Slang - “goof off” )
logic-( loj ik / lahj ik )-36,96- reason / reasoning / a systematic way of thinking
logically - ( loj ik lee ) - 45, 98
- reasonably / sensibly ( 45, 98 ) // systematically / purposefully ( 98 )
long-standing - 91 - long-term / long lasting / existing for a long time
lot - in usages - …his lot. - 43 and …our lot, … -122 - fate / fortune / things
that come to one because of, or as if determined by, random, chance, or luck
low-bottom cases - 23 - those who had suffered the most severe destruction
and loss in their lives and health due to their alcoholism / see bottom
lowered the boom - 143 - ( American slang ) - acted suddenly and forcefully
to put a stop to a practice or to scold and correct an offender
lump - 114 - chunk / undivided piece
lures -( lew urz / loo urz)- 49 - tempts / draws / attracts / pulls / entices
lured -( lew urd / loo urd )-187 - tempted / drawn / pulled / attracted / enticed
lurk - 169 - exist unnoticed / lie in wait, as in ambush
lust - 48,49,66,67 - crave / craving / strong wanting of what promises
enjoyment or pleasure / a greedy, obsessive desire / an intense, unrestrained,
obsessive, or overwhelming desire or craving, especially one that is sexual
luxury - ( lugz shuh ree / luk shu re ) - 90
- something desirable that is not a necessity / extravagance / frill / excess
Madison Square Garden - 136 - A world famous New York arena and civic
center for sports, stage, and other public events. The site of the first Madison Square Garden was formerly the passenger depot of the New York & Harlem
Railroad. In 1876 it was renamed "Gilmore's Garden." William H. Vanderbilt
officially renamed Gilmore's Garden "Madison Square Garden" and reopened
the facility to the public on May 30, 1879 at 26th Street & Madison Ave. Since
1876 it has been rebuilt 4 times with plans currently (2006) for more additions.
magnificent -( mag nif eh sunt )-9,100,109 - grand / beautiful / extraordinary
majestically -( muh jes tik lee )- 25 - impressively / magnificently / royally
malady - ( mal uh dee ) - 15, 23, 104 - ailment / illness / disease / disorder
malarkey -( mu lar key )-143 - ( slang ) - something that doesn’t have or make sense / foolish talk, usually intended to deceive / nonsense / idiocy / bunk / bull
mandate -( man date )-135 - authority / command from a superior to an inferior
mania -( may ne uh )-64- craze / irrational, excessive and intense desire / rage
manipulate - ( muh nip yuh late ) - 51, 53
- manage / skillfully or deviously influence or manage / arrange / control
man-made millenium - (… muh len e um ) - 70 - hoped-for period of joy,
serenity, prosperity, and justice ( Possible reference to Bible: Revelations 20 )
manner -( man ur )- 107 - way / means / method / way of doing something
mantle -( mant ul )-187 - covering / something that covers, surrounds or hides
marital -( mair ut ul )- 117,120 - marriage related / typical of marriage
masquerade -( mask uh raid )- 66 - disguise / act / pretend / deceive
master -( mass tur )-122,142*,144 - boss / one that has control over another /
- one who serves as the head of a household ( 144 ) / - * What would the
Master do? - 142* - generally accepted as referring to Jesus
mastered -( mast urd )-107 - controlled / ruled / be an expert about or ruler of
material -( muh tear e ul )- 9,29,42,43,70,71,91,120,121,122,124,161,190
- things composed of matter / of, relating to, or affecting physical well-being /
stuff / substance / physical as separate distinct from the intellectual or spiritual
maternal - ( muh tur nul ) - 118 - motherly / characteristic of a mother
mauling - ( mall ing ) - 169 - beating / roughly handling / mangling / bruising
means -5,15,18,34,36,57,60,61,64,71,76,81,88,96,98,114,12 1,122,177,180
page numbers for this definition only - way / method / - a method, a course of action,
or an that by which an act can be accomplished or an aim achieved
meddle -( med ul )-37- interfere / intrude / tamper / tinker / fool around / mess
meditate -( med uh tate )- 8, 98 - to think or reflect, especially in a calm and
deliberate way / to consider, study, or reflect / to exercise the mental abilities
in thought or contemplation / see Step 11 chapter for more on meditate
meditation -( med eh tay shun )- 8,24,89,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,105,
109,144 - a devoted practice where the mind is used to consider some truth,
idea, mystery, ideal, or object of deep respect / see Step 11 chapter for more
melancholy -( mel un kah lee )- 45 - gloomy sad / dismal / depressing
mental obsession -5,22-irrational fixation or preoccupation of one’s thinking /
a compulsive preoccupation with an idea, often with symptoms of anxiety
[ irrational and obsessive thoughts of drinking - past, present, and future ]
merciless -( mur sih les )-24-cruel / having or showing no mercy / unforgiving
mere -( mear )- 23,121 - slight / small / minor / insignificant
merit -( mair it )-102 - quality / worth / value merits -( mair uts )-156 - values
meritorious-( mair uh tor e us )-155- worthy of reward or praise / having merit
messiahs - ( meh sye uz ) - 187 - saviors / liberators / deliverers / sacred ones
mete out - ( meat out ) - 173 - give / assign / deal / measure / decide / dole
metropolitan - ( met ruh pah luh tun ) - 191 - major city / city
mighty - ( mye tee ) - 37, 109, 117, 152, 162 - to a great degree or measure
- great ( 37, 109 ) / powerful ( 117 ) / very ( 152, 162 )
milestone - 73 - mile marker or turning point / a stone marker along a roadside
which indicates the distance in miles from a given point or an important event
in a career, history of a nation, or advancement of knowledge in a field
militant - ( mil uh tunt ) - 28 - aggressive / combative in character / hostile
millennium -( mu le nee um )-70,176- period of time / period of joy and justice
- a span of 1,000 years / also see man-made millennium
minimizing - ( min uh mize ) - 78
- reducing / representing as having the least degree of importance or size
minute -( my noot )- 81 - detailed / particular / carefully and closely examined
miracle - ( mear uh kul / mehr uh kul ) - 25 - unexplainable event / wonder /
an event appearing beyond explanation by the laws of nature and thus thought to be supernatural in origin or an act of God
[ Text: “…return us to sanity.’ / “ …remove our obsession.” ]
miraculous - ( meh rak yu lus ) - 150 - incredible / unbelievable / wonderful
miraculously -( meh rak yu lus lee )-62 - incredibly / wonderfully / amazingly
mired -( myurd )-157 - tangled / hindered / stuck / sunk / in a difficult situation
misbehavior - ( miss beh hay’v yur ) - 78, 81
- bad behavior / to behave badly / improper, unruly, and often rude behavior
miser -( myzur )- 43 s -( myzurz )- 121 - one who lives very poorly in order to store
up money beyond one’s needs / penny pincher / tightwad / cheapskate
miserably -( miz ur ub lee )-90 - extremely / pitifully / distressingly / unhappily
miserly - ( myzur lee ) - 81, 120 - like a miser / see miser
misers - ( myzurz ) - 121 - plural of miser / see miser
misery -( miz ur e )- 7, 38, 54, 67, 75, 80, 141 - physical or mental suffering
misgivings - ( mis givingz ) - 35, 161
- uneasy or uncertain feelings about the correctness or fitness of an action
misshapen-( mis shay pun )-45- deformed / distorted / twisted / badly shaped
mission - 61, 151 - special assignment / inner calling to pursue an activity
misunderstood - ( mis under stood ) - 58, 70 - incorrectly understood
misuse-( mis youss -5,40 / mis yooz -117 )- improper or incorrect use / abuse
misused - ( mis yooz’d ) - 157, 170 - used improperly and / or abused
monotony - ( muh nah tun ee ) - 9, 38, 112 - long and tiresome sameness or
lack of variety / lack of interesting variety in occupation, scenery, etc.
moral -( mor ul )- 6, 33, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49, 58 ,68, 77, 107 - pertaining to or
concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of personal
character and behavior / accepted beliefs of right and wrong, good and bad
moral fiber-33- essential qualities of one’s accepted rules or habits of conduct
moral inventory -6,42,43,45,49,58,77,107 - evaluation or itemized list of ones thoughts and actions as they relate to principles of right, wrong, good and bad
moral principles - rules or standards of good behavior
morality-( mor al uh tee )-30,72-being in agreement with standards of right of
good conduct / system of ideas of right and wrong conduct / virtuous conduct
morbidity -( mor bid uh tee )- 46 - focusing on gloomy or unhealthy matters
morbidly - ( mor bid lee ) - 45, 89 - in an unhealthy or gloomy manner
moreover - ( more over ) - 30, 78, 130, 149, 164
- also / besides / furthermore / beyond what has been stated / still / yet
motive - ( moh tiv ) - 67, 94, 166 motives - 8, 79, 94, 178
- reason / reasons / basis or stimulus for an action or a decision / an emotion, desire, or physical need that acts on the will and causes it to act
mount - ( mowln’t ) - 62 - increase / grow / rise / become greater
moving picture - 180 - movie / at the time A.A. was forming it was still not uncommon to hear movies called ‘moving pictures’ or ‘picture shows’
Mr. Rockefeller's - ( Rock uh fel ur’z ) - 186 - John Davison Rockefeller
( July 8, 1839 - May 23, 1937 ) - An American industrialist who played a
prominent role in the early oil industry with the founding of Standard Oil.
( ExxonMobil is the largest of its descendants ). Rockefeller built Standard Oil
into the largest company in the world, and was for a time the richest man in
the world. He supported many church activities throughout his life, and spent
his last forty years primarily focused on philanthropic pursuits, including
education and public health, eventually giving away about half of his wealth.
muddled - ( mud uld ) - 56 - unclear / confused / muddy / jumbled / harmful
murmurs -( mur murz )- 133 - complaints in low mumbling tones / grumbles
mutter - ( mut ur ) - 132 - speak or grumble in low tones / mumble / whisper
naïve - ( nye eve / nah eve ) - 132
- lacking in worldly experience, understanding, or critical judgment
nature - ( nay chur ) - 6, 15, 23, 24, ( 29, ) 55, ( 64, 70, ) 83, ( 176 )
( the material world and it’s observable events and circumstances / the forces
that produce and control all of the material world / the world of living things )
- essential characteristics and qualities / the combination of emotional, intellectual, and moral qualities that distinguishes a person / basic feature
natures - ( nay churz ) - 98 - personalities / characters / dispositions / being
nearby -( near bye )- 81 - close / ones not far away / ones within easy reach
nebulous -( neb yuh lus )- 132 - unclear / lacking in form or limits / uncertain
necessarily - ( ness eh sair uh lee ) - 58, 61, 107, 112, 175
- surely / certainly / of necessity / inevitably / invariably / unavoidably
necessary - ( ness eh sair e ) - 6,7,9,23,34,42,52,55,74,80,84,96,116,118,
119,147,157,168,172,190 - absolutely essential / needed to achieve a certain
result or effect / required / indispensable / unavoidable / inescapable / needed
necessities - ( nuh sess uh teez) - 88 - necessary things / see necessary
necessity - ( nuh sess uh tee ) - 6, 7, 11, 73 - requirement / need / must /
indispensable / a condition in which something is necessary or desirable is
required or wanted / something indispensable / something necessary
neglect -( nuh glekt )- 81, 151 neglected -( …id )- 94 - ignore / not doing what should or needs to be done / fail to care for or give proper attention to
neighboring -( nay bur ing )- 144, 189 - nearby / close by / [ near dwelling ]
nerve - ( nurv ) - 123, 153 - boldness / arrogance / arrogant self-confidence
neurosis -( new row sees / n’you row sees )-156 - mental disorders such as
insecurity, anxiety, depression, and irrational fears, but without psychotic
symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations / [ No longer in scientific use. ]
nevertheless -( never the les )-17,64,79,108,117,118,158,166,177- however /
in spite of that / be that as it may / in spite of a preceding event or consideration
newsfront - ( nooz frunt ) - 181 - news organization / ‘front line’ of news organizations
( a military expression using ‘news’ instead of ‘battle’ )
newspaper copy - 157 - material ( words ) to be printed in newspapers
nodding acquaintance -( nod ing uh kwain tuns )-70- slight acquaintance /
- knowledge or relationship extending no further than recognition by a nod
nonadmission - ( non ad mish un ) - 7 - not admitting / absence of admitting
noncontroversial - ( non kon truh vur shul / …vur see ul ) - 147
- not controversial / unlikely to create differences of opinion or public disputes
nonentity - ( non n teh tee / … n uh tee) - 36 - something that does not exist
or that exists only in imagination / a person of no importance or significance
nonprofessionalism -( non pruh fesh uh nuh liz um )-167,191- see Pg.191:
- [ not ] “…having the occupation of counseling alcoholics for fees or hire” and
Pg. 167 & 171 - “…Twelfth Step is never to be paid for -/- or sold for money…”
notion -( no shun )-75,161 s-( no shunz )- 31 - idea/s / belief/s or opinion/s
notwithstanding - ( not with stan ding ) - 135 - in spite of
nourishing - ( nur ish ing ) - 74 - sustaining / nutritious / nurturing / feeding
nourishment -( nur ish munt )-97-food / that which sustains the mind or spirit
novice - ( nov us / nah vuss ) - 60 - beginner / a person new to an activity
nowadays - ( now uh daze ) - 100, 145 - during the present time / these days
nuclear physics - ( new klee ur / noook lee ur fiz iks ) - 35
- the scientific study of the forces, reactions, and internal structures of atoms
number one people - 123 - the best there is / perfect / the highest quality
- Bill W’s grandfather told Bill that no one could make a boomerang that worked other than Australians. Bill made one that worked to which his grandfather responded: "Our Willie, the first one to do it. The number one man". - from ‘Not God’ - Ernie Kurtz
numerous -( noo mur us )- 46 - large in number / a large indefinite number
obedience -( o be de unts )- 9, 130, 132, 172, 174 - willingly carrying out the
wishes of others / compliance / observance / yielding
objection -( ub jek shun )-158 objections-( ub jek shunz )-142- opposition /
opposing argument / expressing strong or reasoned opposition / challenge
objectionable - ( ub jek shu nuh bul ) - 53, 96 - offensive / unacceptable
objective -(ub jek tiv )-7,8,(46,58),68,82,91,100,147 s -(…tivz )-7,69,76,100
- aim / goal / purpose / intention / target / thing worked toward or striven for
-( free from the influence of emotions, personal prejudices, bias, or judgment )
obligation-( ob luh gay shun )-150,190 s-(…shunz )-84,124-debt / liability /
indebtedness / something owed by one to another / - an act or course of
action that is demanded of one / commitment / duty / responsibility
obligations squarely met - 124 - personal and / or financial debts paid /
- debts and responsibilities dealt with in a direct, honest, balanced and fair way
obliged - ( uh blyj’d ) - 68, 69, 74, 136, 153 - made / forced / compelled /
pressured / obligated / caused to act or move in spite of resistance
oblivion -( uh bliv e un )-45,71,120- total forgetfulness / escape / overlooking
offenses / complete forgetting / loss of memory or conscious knowledge
obsession - ( ub sesh un ) - 5,15,21,22,24,25,28,32,43,63,64,76,107,144
obsessions - ( ub sesh unz ) - 57 - fixation / mania / fetish / irresistible or
compulsive absorption of the attention with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling
or emotion, often accompanied by anxiety / a compulsive, often unreasonable
idea or emotion / irrational preoccupation / a usually distressing image or idea
that repeatedly enters or intrudes upon the mind of a person against his will
obstacle -( ob stuh kul )-78 s-( …kulz )-7,76,78 - obstruction / barrier / block
obstinate - ( ob stuh nit ) - 64, 151 - stubborn / difficult to manage or control
obstinately - ( ob stuh nit lee ) - 97 - stubbornly / unwillingly
occupation - ( ok yuh pay shun ) - 191 occupations - ( …shunz ) - 184
- job / vocation / activity that serves as one’s regular source of income
occur -( uh kur )-62 - happen occurred -( uh kurd )-47,135,156- happened
occurrences - ( uh kur un suz ) - 80 - happenings / things that take place
of course - ( ov korss ) - 21,27,28,30,36,39,45,46,48,56,63,66,67,68,69,79,81 ,87,
88,92,94,97,98,103,104,112,119,121,133,147,148,152 ,154,157,158,173,177
- naturally / not surprisingly / without doubt or question / in the natural or
expected order of things / also see - course
off the beam - 111, 112 - see beam ( “ …on the A.A. beam. “ - 84 )
offended - ( uh fen did ) - 45 - displeased / insulted / outraged / angered
offense -( uh/ah fents )-81-injury or disturbance ( previous text ) / displeasure
offset -( off set )- 117 - made up for / compensated / counteracted / balanced
of great moment-62-of great importance / of outstanding significance or value
oldtimer - 135,153,176 oldtimers - 56,133,140,145 ( oldtime A.A. - 173 )
- long time member/s with the extensive experience being such provides
omission - ( o mish un ) - 89
- something left out or neglected / not doing what ought to be done
omitting - ( o mit ing ) - 95 - leaving out / failing to include or mention
on the A.A. beam - 84,111,112 / see beam
on the defensive - ( on the deh fen siv / deh fents iv ) - 78 - prepared to withstand or counter aggression or attack / also see defensive
on their own steam - 152 - by their own strengths, powers or capacities
onslaughts - ( on slots ) - 170 - attacks / assaults / aggressions
ooze -( ooz )- 25 - mud or slime like sediment on river, lake or ocean bottoms
oozing - ( ooz ing ) - 81 - flowing out slowly
open end -69 - condition or situation having no definite limit of time or amount
open mind - 26, 27, 33 - / see open-minded and openmindedness
open-minded - ( open mine did ) - 24 - receptive / responsive / ready and willing to favorably receive new ideas / showing receptiveness to new and
different ideas or the opinions of others / broad-minded / tolerant / acceptant
open-mindedness - 68 - being open-minded / see open-minded
opinion-( uh pin yun )-12,27,74,135,136,176,179,192- position / view / belief /
- judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing / a belief or conclusion
opportunities - ( op ur toon uh teez / …tyuun uh teez) - 110, 186, 187
opportunity - ( op ur toon uh tee / …tyuun uh tee ) - 85, 121, 137
- chance/s / a chance/s / favorable circumstance/s / occasion/s
ordinarily - ( ord’n air uh lee / or din air uh lee ) - 104, 114 - usually
organized -( or guh nized )-12,148,172 - ( “…a government administered by human beings. Power to direct or govern is the essence of of organization everywhere.” - Page 172 ) ( “…alcoholics can’t be dictated to…” - Page 173 )
- structured and administered as a business, corporation, or institution
ought nevertheless - ( ot neh vur the less ) - 108
- should however / should in spite of that / should nonetheless
oughtta - ( ot uh / otta ) - 157 - should
outlay - ( out lay ) - 177 - amount spent / expenditure / spending
outlet - ( out let / out lit ) - 182 - media / releases / news reporting sources
outpouring -( out poor ing )- 81 - pouring out / flow / rapid flowing outward
outraged - ( out rayj’d ) - 143 - extremely offended or insulted
outset - ( out set ) - 130 - beginning / start / initial or first stage
outside issues - 12, 176, 179 - matters of concern or debate among the general population, such as politics or religion, that are outside the scope A.A.’s primary purpose of carrying its message to the alcoholic who still suffers
over the barrel - 25 - in a very awkward position from which release is difficult
overconfidence -28 - too much confidence / see confidence and confident
overdependence - 9, 115 - too much dependence / see dependence
overdependent - 115 - too or overly dependent / see dependent
overmanage -( ovur man ij )-111- excessively direct, control, supervise, or run
overwhelmed - ( ovur welm’d ) - 79 - upset / deeply affected / overcome
overwhelming-( ovur welm ing )-73,184- completely defeating / overpowering
padded -( pad id )- 86 - inflated / falsely increased / showing false expenses
painstaking -( painz tay king )- 42 - extremely careful, thorough and detailed
pangs - 57 - sharp feelings of emotional distress / hurts / discomforts / pains
panhandlers panhandle -( pan hand lurz pan hand ul )- 133 - beggars beg
- those who approach strangers to obtain money or food do exactly that
paradox -( pair uh doks )- 9, 107, 109, 130, 151 - a statement or set of ideas
that although true is seemingly conflicting / a statement or suggestion which,
from an acceptable premise and despite sound reasoning, leads to a conclusion
that is against sense, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory
paralyzed - ( pair uh lize’d ) - 66 - made unable to move or act
paralyzing - ( pair uh lize ing ) - 73 - numbing / disabling / making powerless
paramount - ( pair uh mount ) - 80, 189 - of chief concern / most important
paranoid - ( pair uh noy’d ) - 156 - those suffering paranoia: a psychotic
disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without a sense of
being overly important, often defended with apparent logic and reason
pardoned -( par dun’d / pard nd )-69-forgiven / excused / granted forgiveness
parlor - ( par lur ) - 137 - a room used especially for entertaining visitors
parole -( puh roll )-155 - release / release with conditions of regular monitoring
part and parcel - (…par sul ) - 178 - a basic or essential part
partake - ( par take ) - 100 - share in / take part / participate in / take in
particle of harm -( par teh kul… )-178 - a very small piece or amount of harm
party - 172,182 - an established political group organized to promote and
support its principles and candidates for public office / also see third parties
passersby -( pass urz bye )-116 - persons who pass by, especially by chance
passionate - ( pash uh nit ) - 73 - strongly felt / emotionally intense
passionately -( pash uh nit le )- 71 - enthusiastically / with intensity of feeling
pat answer - 87 - perfect, complete, or sufficient answer
patience - ( pay shuns / pay shunts ) - 78, 141
- the capacity to endure difficulty, hardship, or inconvenience without complaint
patient - ( pay shunt ) - 65, 118, ( 161 ) - calm and constant / the capability of
calmly awaiting a result or outcome / one who receives care or treatment (161)
patiently -( pay shunt lee )- 8, 88, 135 - calmly / tolerantly
paying board - paying for being furnished with meals / also see board
peaceable -( pee suh bul )- 177 - inclined to be peaceful / promoting calm
pegs - ( pegz ) - 124
- a cylindrical or tapered pin, as of wood, used to fasten things or plug a hole
penalty - ( pen ul tee ) - 130, 143 / penalties - ( pen ul teez ) - 74, 174
- punishment/s / painful consequence/s / discipline/s
pendulum -( pen juh lum / pen dyuh lum / pen duh lum )- 162 - something
that swings back and forth from one direction, opinion, or condition to another
perceive - ( pur seev ) - 21, 47 / perceived - ( pur seev’d ) - 34
- see / become aware of / saw / became aware of
perception -( pur sep shun )- 74 - awareness / idea / image / thought / sense
perfect liberty -173 - complete freedom / absolute independence or autonomy
perfection -( pur fek shun )- 7,65,68,69,91,156 - being free from all defect /
utmost excellence / flawlessness / faultlessness / being morally perfect or holy
perfectionists - ( pur fek shuh nists ) - 156 - those who seek perfection /
- those who tend to be unhappy with or consider unacceptable anything that is
not perfect or does not meet extremely high standards / followers of a doctrine
that the perfection of moral character makes up a person’s highest good
perilous -( pair uh lus )- 56,131 - dangerous / involving possible loss or injury
periodically -( peer e od ik uh lee )-56 - at regular intervals / from time to time
perish-( pair ish )-177- die or be destroyed / cease living / disappear gradually
perished - ( pair ish’d ) - 124 - drowned / died
permeates - ( pur me ates ) - 94 - flows through / spreads throughout
perplexed - ( pur plex’d ) - 135 - filled with confusion or doubt / puzzled
perplexities - ( pur plex uh teez ) - 18, 52, 117 - complications / puzzles
persecution - ( pur sih q shun ) - 53 - being punished or treated unfairly
persist - ( pur sist ) - 50, 80 - continue / remain / continue without stopping in
spite of difficulties or setbacks / carry on / go on / keep on / persevere
persisted - ( pur sis tid ) - 104, 168 - continued / lasted / see persist
persistence - ( pur sis tunts ) - 73 - continuation / insistence / see persistent
persistent - ( pur sis tunt ) - 40, 43, 109 - long term / continuing / prolonged /
ongoing / of long duration / without giving up or letting go / see persist
persistently - ( pur sis tunt lee ) - 37, 88, 116, 119
- continually / continuously / without giving up / see persist and persistent
personalities - ( pur suh nal uh teez ) - 13, 48, 80, 130, 184, 187, 192
- see personality
personality -( pur suh nal uh tee )- 48,52,56,81,123,148 - the combination
of emotional, intellectual, and moral qualities that distinguishes an individual
personality defects-48,52,148 - see personality flaws and character flaws
personality flaws - ( … flawz ) - 56 - also see character flaws
- imperfections, defects, or shortcomings in ones emotional, intellectual, or
moral qualities… in one’s make-up or nature
personality traits - ( … trayt’s ) - 81,123 - distinctive qualities or features
of one’s personality or character / also see personality and character
personnel - ( pur suh nel ) - 167, 169, 171 - employees / employee relations
perspective -( pur spek tiv )-45, 48, 71, 72 - vision / mental view, outlook, or
evaluation / ability to see the nature or relationship of things as they really are
persuaded - ( pur sway did ) - 40, 58
- convinced / caused to believe or feel sure about something
perverse -( pur vurs )-44,67,94 -perverted / improper / unhealthy / persistent
- directed away from what is right or good / wrongly self-willed or stubborn
perverting-( pur vurt ing )-49- wrongly using / abusing / corrupting / distorting
pessimism - ( pes uh miz um ) - 85 - a tendency to stress the negative or
unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view
pet - 97,143,170 - favorite / favored / particularly cherished, loved, or indulged
petition - ( puh tish un ) - 102 petitions - ( … unz ) - 8
- request / appeal / approach / formal or solemn request to a superior authority
Pharisee -( fair uh see )- 177 - hypocritically self-righteous people / like those
who practice falsely representing their beliefs, feelings, or virtues / phony
- One of an ancient Jewish sect known by their strict observance of the
traditional ( Mosaic ) and written law, and by their claims to superior sanctity
phenomenon-( feh nom uh non /… nun )-185- wonder / event / occurrence /
unusual, significant, or extraordinary happening / fact / reality / actuality
philosophy -( feh los uh fee )- 25,37 - system of values by which one lives
phony - ( foe nee ) - 30 - false / fake / not honest / not genuine / counterfeit
phrase-( frayz )-99,103-expression / group of words intended to have meaning
piecemeal - ( peace meal ) - 26 - by a small amount at a time / in pieces
pilot plant - 147 - model factory / leading example of a factory like operation
pinchers - ( pinch urz ) - 121 ( … penny pinchers … )
- people who hold tight to small amounts of money and are reluctant to give
pinch hitter - 75 - see bush-league pinch hitter
pinchpenny-( pinch pen e )-51- penny pincher / one unwilling to spend money
pine - 133 - desire / feel a strong, persistent, heartfelt yearning or desire,
especially for something beyond reach / waste away from longing or grief
pink cloud stage - 113 - ( possibly from “in the pink” - the highest or best
degree ) / A period of time following abstinence from drinking when one may
experience persistent feelings of emotional well being. This experience noted
by early A.A.’s and called ‘the pink cloud stage’ has later been identified by
researchers as one of various hormonal and neurotransmitter adjustment
phases following detoxification from long term use of addictive substances and
named “Protracted Abstinence Syndrome”. The ‘pink cloud’ phase is thought
to occur 10 to 45 days after detoxification. Bill is emphasizing the need to use
all 12 Steps to sustain in a life of sobriety after the ‘pink cloud stage’ passes
pioneering -( pi uh near ing )-17,22,182-developing / earliest growth / starting
pious - ( pie us ) -143 - deeply concerned with God and religious beliefs and practices / showing a strict, traditional sense of virtue & morality / high-minded
( pious can also refer to being falsely devout or seriously hypocritical )
piously -( pie us lee )- 163 - dutifully / as if fulfilling an obligation / see pious
piper -( pipe ur )- 164 - one who plays the music / one who plays the bagpipe
pitch - ( pich ) - 168 - talk that clearly expresses the positive ideas or features
pitched a binge -( … binj )-148 - threw a drunk / set upon a period of drinking
pitfalls -( pit falz )- 53 - hidden hazards / traps / unapparent sources of trouble
pity -( pit e )- 162 - compassion / empathy / sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another that draws one to help or to show mercy
plague - ( play’g ) - 74 - highly infectious, usually fatal, epidemic disease
platforms - ( plat formz ) - 186
- places, means, or opportunities for public expression of opinion
plausible - (pla zuh bul ) - 85, 182 - seemingly valid, likely, or acceptable
pleas - ( pleez ) - 144 - calls / cries / appeals / earnest and urgent requests
pledges -( plej uz )- 32 - formal verbal or written promises to not drink alcohol
plight -( plite )-5,28 - dilemma / predicament / difficult or unfortunate situation
plumb - ( plum ) - 30 - ( informal ) - completely / utterly / absolutely
plump - 159 - give full support or praise / recommend / stand behind / endorse
plunged - ( plunj’d ) - 123, 142
- entered / dove / to throw oneself earnestly and wholeheartedly into an activity
pointed story - 162 - story that stresses or references to a point of discussion
poles - 174 - at extreme opposite positions / as far distant as possible
polio -( poe lee o )-36 - ( Poliomyelitis - also called Polioor Infantile Paralysis )
- a highly infectious viral disease that mostly affects young people and can lead
to muscular deterioration and paralysis. Jonas Salk developed injectable
vaccines and later Albert Sabin oral vaccines for polio in the early 1960’s
politic - ( pah luh tik / polla tik ) - see body politic
pomp - 44, 124 - magnificent or impressive display ( 124 - see below )
pomp and circumstance -( …sur kum stans )- 124 - display and ceremony
ponder - 48, 78, 81, 100 - carefully think about / consider / reflect on / study
poor favor -(…fay vur )-79 -unsatisfactory regard / low approval / bad position
pore -( poor )- 81 - very small openings in skin serving as an outlet for sweat
portrays -( poor trayz )-18- describes / represents / depicts / presents / shows
posed -( poze’d )- 53 - set forth in words / presented / put forward / proposed
possess - ( puh zess ) - 83, 121 - have as a quality or attribute / have / own
possessed -( puh zess’d )-76,123,151,168 - owned / held // obsessed ( 123 )
possession - ( puh zesh un ) - 107, 120 - ownership / holding / dominion
possessions - ( puh zesh unz ) - 49, 124 - things owned / assets / properties
possessive -( puh zes iv )-111- dominating / controlling / fearful of the loss of position or affection / clutching / - showing a desire to control or dominate
another, especially in order to limit that person’s relationship with others
possessively - ( puh zes iv lee ) - 93 - jealously / in a possessive way
possessiveness -( puh zes iv nus )- 51 - fear of losing position or affection
post - 147 - list / record / enter ( 162,186 - Saturday Evening Post Magazine )
posts - 124 - jobs / tasks
postpone -( post pone )- 69 - delay / put off …d -(… pone’d )- 91 - delayed
potential -( puh ten shul )- 23,121 - possible / capable of being but not yet so
potentially -( puh ten shul lee )- 64 - possibly / capable of becoming or being
pounced - ( pouns’d / powns’t ) - 153 - attacked suddenly
poverty - ( pov ur tee ) - 11, 70, 112, 160, 165
- being poor / lack of or lacking in wealth / also see collective poverty
power-driver - 48 power driver - 143 - forceful and aggressive character
power-driven argument -(…ar gyuh munt )-91 - highly emotional argument /
highly energized debate or disagreement that has gaining or holding a
position of power or domination as the underlying aim or motivation
powerless -5,21,34,68,73,76,107 - without power / lacking strength or power,
helpless and totally unable to produce a desired effect // without authority
powerlessness -( power lus nus )-5,21,73-being powerless / see powerless
practical -( prak teh kul )- 23,35,56,58,80,86,88,100,101,108 - realistic /
useful / sensible / reasonable / actual / purposeful / capable of being used
practically - ( prak tik lee ) - 21, 42, 65, 66, ( 68 ), 93, 110, 122, 176, 182
- almost / nearly / for all practical purposes ( 68 ) - practically speaking -
realistically speaking / speaking in a way that is practical / see practical
practical-minded -35-level-headed / one who thinks in useful or realistic terms
practicing alcoholics -32,81- alcoholics who continue to drink alcoholic drinks
prayer - 8, 24, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 109, 125
(Text Pg.102 -“Prayer, as commonly understood, is a petition [request] to God.)
- a respectful request or an act of communion [ sharing thoughts or feelings ] made to God, a god, or another object of worship, such as in devotion, praise,
confession, or thanksgiving / an earnest or urgent request / the act of praying
precarious - ( preh kair e us ) - 21
- shaky / weak / unsure / unstable / insecure / dangerously lacking in stability
precious -( presh us )-70,151 - highly valued / worthy / priceless / cherished
precisely - ( preh sice lee ) - 181 - exactly / in an exact manner
precocious -( preh ko shus )-29 - advanced or progressive in mental ability /
- showing early development or maturity, especially in mental abilities
predict -( preh dikt )-109 - project / forecast / foretell / know or tell in advance
prejudice - ( prej uh dis ) - 5, 28 - a negative judgment or opinion formed
beforehand or without complete knowledge or examination of the facts
prejudiced-( prej uh dis’d )-28-turned / influenced unfavorably / see prejudice
preliminary trial -( preh lim uh nair e tri ul )- 85 - beginning attempt / start
preparation -( prep uh ray shun )-144- development / a state of being created
presently - ( prez unt lee ) - 109 - soon / in a short time
preservation -( preh zur vay shun )- 130, 150 - protection / the safeguarding
preserve - ( preh zurv ) - 177 - keep safely / protect / maintain / defend
presides - ( preh zides ) - 125, 192 - holds authority or control / rules
prestige - ( prez tij ) - 11,44,71,114,130,155,175 - reputation / fame / glory
presumption - ( preh zump shun ) - 104 - believing or supposing in advance /
- arrogance / being overly convinced of one’s own importance
pretend -( preh tend )- 117 - take upon ourselves / profess / claim / allege
price of admission -75 ( admission price -7 ) - pass / access / admittance /
a charge or fee to gain access or enter into / also see admission
pride - 8,45,46,47,48,49,51,59,70,79,90,91,112,123 - self-love / a regarding
of oneself with undue favor / the quality of being arrogant / arrogance /
conceit - excessive appreciation of one’s own worth / disdain / egoism /
egotism / self-importance / a high or arrogant opinion of one’s own qualities;
attainments, or estate, which gives rise to a feeling and attitude of superiority
over and contempt for others; excessive self-esteem // a sense of one’s own
dignity or worth, self regard, self-esteem, self-respect
prideful - ( pride ful ) - 29, 92, 94
- arrogant / overly convinced of one’s own importance / see pride
pride of self - 46 - self-love / overly high estimation of oneself / see pride
primary -( pri mair e / pri muh re )- 10,11,12,50,53,71,150,155,165,190
- most important / chief / principle / basic / essential / first in importance
prime - 130 - first / first or most valuable / primary / also see primary
primordial ooze -( preye mor de ul )-25 - earliest existing moist slime or mud
principal - ( prin suh pul ) - 96, 121, 141, 161, 180, 191
- most important / main / basic
principle -( prin suh pul )-10,22,26,38,56,70,86,89,108,132,135,139,150,157,
160,165,171,181,182,192 - rule or standard / basic truth, law, assumption, or motive force / fundamental truth or proposition on which many others depend
principles - 8,9,10,12,13,15,16,18,22,40,48,106,111,114,125,130 ,131,146,
174,182,184,187,192 - rules / standards / basic truths / laws / see principle
principles before personalities ( and near variations ) - 13, 184, 186, 192
priority - ( preye or eh tee ) - 91 - order or degree of importance or urgency
pro and con - ( pro and kon ) - 165
- positive and negative / good and bad / see - pros and cons
probability -( prob uh bil eh tee )- 74 - likelihood / most likely but uncertain
- “…in all probability…” - most probably / very likely
probe - 45 - investigate / explore / seek knowledge of / look into
problem drinkers - 16, 33, 73, 122-123, 150, 157 - alcoholics ( Pg. 157 ) /
- those who’s drinking creates serious problems in their own or other’s lives
proceed - ( pro seed ) - 101 - continue / go forward / move along / progress
proceedings -( pro / pru seed ings )- 46 - progression / sequence of events
procession-( pruh sesh un )-48- group / the sequence or order of succession
proclaim - ( pro / pruh klaim ) - 67 - announce / declare / reveal / praise
procrastinate - ( pro / pruh kras tuh nate ) - 49, 85
- to put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness
procrastination - ( pro / pruh kras tuh nay shun ) - 67
( Text: “…,which is really sloth in five syllables.” ) - see sloth & procrastinate
prodded - ( prod id ) - 123 - pushed / stimulated / caused / motivated
prodigies - ( prod uh jeez ) - 120 - ( …render prodigies of service )
- make extraordinary examples of service / represent wonders of service
prodigious - ( pruh dij us ) - 17, 27, 177 - impressively great / extraordinary
professionalism - ( pruh fesh uh nuh liz um ) - 166, 167, 168, 170, 191
- using professional people to perform needed labor / using professional,
medical, religious, etc. people to bring about recovery from alcoholism
professionalizing - ( pruh fesh uh nuh lize ing ) - 168
- using professionally trained people to carry the message of A.A.
proffers - ( prof urz ) - 103 - offers / offers for acceptance / presents
profound -( pro/pruh found )- 28,75,160,165 - deep / intense / far reaching
profoundly-( pro/pruh found lee )-115,124- amazingly / in a far reaching way
prominence -( prom uh nunts )- 124 - fame / widely recognized importance
promiscuity - ( prom eh skyou eh tee / pro meh skyou eh tee ) - 51
- having sexual relations with different partners, especially with someone other
than one’s marriage partner / not restricting oneself to one sexual partner
promoter - ( pruh mo tur ) - 148, 149, 181, 187 promoters - 181
- one who contributes to the progress or growth of an interest or endeavor
promotion -( pruh mo shun )- 12,113,180,181,182,192 promotions - 31
- advertising / seeking to increase the importance or reputation of by favorable publicity / attempting to sell or popularize by advertising // advancements ( 31 )
promotional - ( pruh mo shun ul ) - 181 - advertising / publicity
prompt - ( prom’t ) - 63 - inspired / quick / immediate
promptly - ( prom’t lee ) - 8, 46, 88, 93, 108, 134 - quickly / immediately
pronounce - ( pruh nounts ) - 10, 141 - say / formally or officially declare
properly - ( prop ur lee ) - 51, 90 - rightly / suitably / appropriately / correctly
proposal -( pruh poe zul )- 136,13 - plan / a plan suggested for acceptance
propose - ( pruh poze ) - 101, 136, 137, 153
- intend / plan / submit for consideration / have in mind as an aim or purpose
proposes - ( pruh poze uz ) - 17 - aims / intends
proposed -( pruh poze’d )- 157 - considered / offered / had in mind as a goal
proposition - ( prop uh zish un ) - 30, 35, 63, 163, 168
- matter / a plan offered for acceptance / also see proposal
proprietor -( pruh preye eh tur )- 136 - owner / manager / owner & manager
pros and cons -( proze and konz )- 37 - favorable and unfavorable factors /
positive and negative qualities or points / ( pro and con - 165 )
proselyting -( pros uh luh tize ing )-153- trying to get someone to change to
join / to convert someone from one faith, belief, doctrine, or cause, to another
prospect - ( pros pekt ) - 24,49,79,151,163,164,166,181 s - 121,184
- possibility / chance / expectation / outlook / potential member of A.A.
prospective - ( pruh spek tiv ) - 119, 158 - likely / likely to become or be
prosperous - ( pros pur us ) - 161 - see waxed prosperous
protectors -( pruh tek tur )- 43, 44 - people who serve to provide protection
Protestant -( prot eh stunt )- 147 - a member of a Western Christian church
proud - 66 - filled with excessive self-esteem / also see pride and prideful
Providence - ( prov eh dunts / dents ) - 21, 35, 145, 156 - God /
- the care, guardianship, and control exercised by a deity / divine direction
provocation - ( prov uh kay shun ) - 176
- thing that stirs one to action or causes feelings of anger or resentment
provoked -( pruh voke’d )- 167 - stirred to action / brought about / caused
prudence - ( proo dents / prood ents ) - 7, 61, 83, 85
- the use of good judgment, common sense, and even caution / discretion
prudent reserve-( proo dent / prood ent reh zurv )-11,165 s-191-(…zurvz)
- reasonable amount of funds held for future use or for a special purpose
psychiatrists -( sie / seh kye uh trist )- 31,38,56 - a doctor who specializes
in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders
psychologists - ( sie/she kol uh jist ) - 38, 56, 122 - a person trained and educated to perform psychological research, testing, and therapy
publicity -( pub lis eh tee )- 12,17,158,170,180,181,182,184,186 - spreading
information through various media to attract public notice or interest
publicized -( pub leh size’d )-181,182,186 - made known through publicity
publicly - ( puh blik lee ) - 156,176,178,187,192 - openly / in or among the general public / in a way observable by or in a place accessible to the public
pungent - ( pun junt ) - 149 - pointed / sharp / biting / stinging / cutting
puny -( pyoo nee )-178 - weak / small or inferior in size, power, or importance
purpose -( pur pus )-9,10,11,40,42,65,70,71,72,80,85,88,91,97,110,112,1 20,
124,130,132,150,151,153,155,165,166,170,189,190,19 1 - aim / intent / goal /
job / function / role / task / meaning / proper activity / what one intends to do or
achieve / firmness of character, action, or will / decision / determination
purposeless -( pur pus lus )- 77,105 - without value, meaning, or purpose
pursued - ( pur soo’d ) - 50 - one sought by another for sexual activity
pursuer - ( pur soo ur ) - 50 - the one who sought another for sexual activity
pursuit - ( pur soot ) - 44, 50 - seeking / quest / search / chase / attainment
puzzled -( puz ul’d )-113,130 - confused / perplexed / unclear in mind or intent
puzzler -( puz lur )- 113,172 - matter that seems unclear, confusing, or baffling
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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