Thread: Happiness
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Old 08-21-2015, 01:06 PM   #3
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~ A great obstacle to happiness is to expect too much happiness. -Fontenelle

How happy is happy? When we're laughing and joking, are we happy? Or is happiness doing an activity we really enjoy? Perhaps happiness is a feeling we get when we see a beautiful sight or a happy child.

Who knows what happiness really is? Like love, happiness can't really be defined, for what is true for one person isn't for another. Happiness really comes from within. If we feel a sense of contentment, peace, or joy, then we can bet we're feeling some form of happiness.

As long as we're satisfied with that happy feeling, then we'll feel happiness. It's when we expect happiness to feel differently that we'll lose our happy feelings. To be happy, we need to feel the happiness that exists, even if it isn't the way we've fantasized it to be.
How has working your program brought you Happiness? Or if it hasn't can you reflect why it hasn't.

Happiness was foreign to me, it has been about finding out what makes me happy instead of me trying to make everyone else happy for whatever reason.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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