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Old 03-31-2014, 04:10 PM   #2
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We can beautify the day by smiling at it and throughout all the experiences it offers us.

Loved the whole reading but this stuck out for me. As my sponsor use to say to me, "What needs to be changed within me and my attitude."

A day is often depends on my attitude and whether I chose to share it with others.

Today I was offered and I accepted several gifts, through no effort other than to get out of my apartment and let the day unfold as is should. Some days it is difficult to do that, sounds simple, and yet there are days, just getting dressed is a chore and have nothing left over to make it out the door. Almost talked myself into staying home today and am grateful that I made the decision to go no matter how I felt.

It is always difficult for me to get out especially if there is no sun. I find the sun is rejuvenating and empowering.

I have freedom of choice. I can choose to work through the pain or stay in it.

Posted originally in 2011

Love always,


I share because I care.

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