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MajestyJo 12-27-2016 11:49 AM

Topic of the week, words beginning with the letter 'W'
W is for Willing. I was told that I had to be willing to go to any length to not drink in today. H.O.W. How it Works, Honesty, Open Minded, and Willing. If I can't find that willingness, I found that I had to pray for the willingness to be willing to be willing.

MajestyJo 12-29-2016 07:19 PM

W is for Wait. Wait on your Higher Power. Remember His Timetable is not the same as yours. It is difficult to just be. Wait and do the first thing that comes to you. If your God leads you to it, He will see you through it.

MajestyJo 12-30-2016 02:59 PM

W is for Wish. Make a wish for a better way of life, but follow it up with foot work. Don't wish your life away, stay in today and live one day at a time.

MajestyJo 01-01-2017 09:16 PM

W is for Wisdom. The wisdom to know the difference. When we turn things over to our Higher Power, He gives us the inner knowing we need each day. I can't, my God can, just for today, I choose to let Him.

MajestyJo 01-04-2017 07:51 PM

W is for Why? When we come into recovery we have lots of questions. Don't be afraid to ask. You may get a continual response, especially from long-timers, "Keep coming back." How the program works? Keep coming and you will find that it works when you work for it. Why keep going to meetings? Because I have to learn to live with myself, one day at a time.

dwmoeller 01-05-2017 11:31 AM

W is for Write a Gratitude list.

Start your gratitude list and keep adding to the list as you discover things to be grateful for. Pretty soon you will develop an attitude of gratitude.

MajestyJo 10-20-2017 10:45 PM

W is for Willing. We need to be willing to go to any length to maintain our sobriety (soundness of mind). I have to remember that my disease is 4-fold and I have to not only physically pick up, but I have to maintain my emotional, mental, and physical aspect of my disease. I can slip in these areas before I physically pick up.

MajestyJo 10-21-2017 10:52 PM

W is for Wish. We no longer have to wish our life away. We can get up and make it happen. There are not enough hours in a day, I wish there were more. Prior to recovery, I used drugs to sleep away the hours and I spent many hours hiding in my bed.

MajestyJo 10-22-2017 10:57 PM

W is for Worry. Worry is fear that hasn't said it's prayers. Surrender isn't giving up, it means giving over. When we give over to our HP, we are not suppose to take it back. When we do, I heard that I was suppose to say, "Hey God! I can do this better than you. I am tired of waiting for You to get around to answering me. Forgetting that silence often means "No!"

MajestyJo 10-23-2017 09:46 PM

W is for Will. We have had a lot of self-will. We were often self-will run riot, looking for what we wanted, often to the exclusion of others. What I didn't have was won't power. I could say, "I won't use today," but seldom was able to follow through. Through the program, I have daily reprieve, and I don't have to pick up in today. I can align my will with that of my HP.

MajestyJo 10-24-2017 11:05 PM

W is for warm wishes for a safe and sober day.


May the world hug you today,
With its warmth, and love-
I pray it whispers a joyful tune
in your heart.
And may the wind carry a voice
that tells you there is a friend,
sitting in another corner of the world,
wishing you well and sending Hugs!

- Author Unknown

MajestyJo 10-25-2017 11:05 PM

W is for Work the Program. Help others. Get out of Self and be there for others. Get rid of the great "I" am, and remember that "We" can do what I can't do alone.

MajestyJo 10-26-2017 11:24 PM

W is for Will. I will align my will with that of my God. I seek His Will for me in today. I am willing to share the many blessing I receive with others. I always figured they were not something you kept to yourself.

MajestyJo 10-27-2017 11:09 PM

W is for Wisdom. As we work the program we learn the wisdom to know the difference between what we can change and what we can't change. I need to turn things over to my God and let Him show me the way to go.

MajestyJo 10-28-2017 07:36 PM

W is for Without. Without the 12 Steps and the rooms of recovery, I would not be alive in today. Going back out was never an option for me.

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