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MajestyJo 08-12-2013 05:26 PM

Received this from a friend in Texas:

Sometimes I think, Sometimes I don't.

Maybe this world is another planets hell.

The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

It is my observation that too many people are spending money that they haven't earned to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like.

How much can I get away with and still go to heaven?

If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

If the product says "Do not use if seal is broken", how are you supposed to open it and use it?

Women won't be equal to men until they can walk down the street
with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.
When lightning strikes the ocean why don't all the fish die?

God looks beyond your faults. When will you?

MajestyJo 08-12-2013 05:28 PM

Nature is the Art of God.
--Sir Thomas Browne

My relationship with nature and plants is almost like religion with me.
--Monty Cralley

Trying to pray is praying.

"Nothing is good or bad but by comparison."

-- Thomas Fuller

MajestyJo 08-12-2013 05:29 PM

A young, new preacher was walking with an older, more seasoned preacher in the garden one day. Feeling a bit insecure about what God had for him to do, he was asking the older preacher for some advice.

The older preacher walked up to a rose bush and handed the young preacher a rosebud and told him to open it without tearing any of the petals. The young preacher looked in disbelief at the older preacher and was trying to figure out what a rosebud could possibly have to do with his wanting to know the will of God for his life and ministry. But, because of his great respect for the older preacher, he proceeded to try to unfold the rosebud while keeping every petal intact . . . It wasn't long before he realized how impossible this was to do.

Noticing the young preacher's inability to unfold the rosebud without tearing it, the older preacher began to recite the following poem:

It is only a tiny rosebud
A flower of God's design;
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.

The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I.
GOD opens this flower so sweetly,
Then, in my hands, they die.

If I cannot unfold a rosebud,
The flower of God's design,
Then how can I have the wisdom
To unfold this life of mine?

So, I'll trust in Him for leading
Each moment of my day.
I will look to Him for His guidance
Each step of the Pilgrim's way.

MajestyJo 08-12-2013 05:30 PM

The following is a list of 110 self-nurturing ideas that have to do with "Esteem Needs." Do at least one of these activities every day.

Psysiological Needs:

Eat breakfast
Take a nap
Break a bad habit, if just for today
Get at least 7 hours sleep
Drink 8 glasses of water today
Eat a healthy snack

Safety Needs:

Repair something in your home
Learn how to protect your health
Wear a seat belt

Belonging and Love Needs:

Call your mother or father
Search out a long-lost friend
Open up to the person closest to you
Pay a compliment
Turn off the TV and talk
Get to know the neighbor's dog or cat
Listen to what you hear
Tell someone you love him or her
Hold a hand
Hug someone
Contact someone you've been thinking about
Admire a child
Get to know the neighbors
Kiss a friend
Tell someone how much you appreciate him or her

Esteem Needs:

Blow up a balloon and turn it loose
Make your own candles
Walk instead of ride
Give yourself a compliment
Read a poem aloud
Look at the stars
Use a new word
Frame a picture
Forget an old grudge
Take yourself to lunch
Go to the library
Try a new food
Listen to the rain on the roof
Feed the ducks
Jump in a pile of leaves
Appreciate trees
Sign up for a class
Study a dew-laden cobweb
Learn something new
Sing in the shower
List ten things you do well
Walk in the rain
Waste a little time
Curl up before an open fire
Buy a ticket to a special event
Return something you've borrowed
Organize some small corner of your life
Pop popcorn
Draw a picture, even if you can't draw
Keep a secret
Enjoy silence
Walk to the nearest park
Go wading
Light a candle and read by candlelight
Pick up some travel brochures and dream
Smell a flower
Clean out your wallet
Take an early morning walk
Look at old photos
Run down a hill
Write a poem
Start a new project
Walk barefoot
Tell a joke
Take a different road to get home
Build a sandcastle
Ask someone for help
Let someone do you a favor
Reread a favorite book
Listen to the dawn
Imagine being your favorite tree
Watch the sun set
Hide a love note where a loved one will find it
Make a surprise gift
Go to a fair
Lie on the grass
Go for a swim
Rearrange a room
Let someone love you
Drop a quarter where someone will find it
Bake bread

Self-Actualization Needs:

Visit a lonely person or a shut-in
Help a stranger
Be thankful
Take a risk
Do something you've always wanted to do
Say "yes"
Say "no"
Throw away something you don't like
Try to feel another person's hurt (or joy)
Practice courage in one small way
Warm a heart
Laugh at yourself
Send a card to someone for no reason
Encourage a young person
Follow an impulse
Put yourself out for someone
Acknowledge when you are wrong
Volunteer some time to a good cause
Give yourself a present
Allow yourself to make a mistake
Allow yourself to make another mistake
Do something hard to do
Don't do something -- sit there
Take time to talk to neighborhood children

Source unknown to me

MajestyJo 08-12-2013 05:33 PM

Hugs to you all.

Steps To Happiness

Author Unknown

Everybody Knows:
You can't be all things to all people.
You can't do all things at once.
You can't do all things equally well.
You can't do all things better than everyone else.
Your humanity is showing just like everyone else's.

You have to find out who you are, and be that.
You have to decide what comes first, and do that.
You have to discover your strengths, and use them.
You have to learn not to compete with others,
Because no one else is in the contest of *being you*.

You will have learned to accept your own uniqueness.
You will have learned to set priorities and make decisions.
You will have learned to live with your limitations.
You will have learned to give yourself the respect that is due.
And you'll be a most vital mortal.

Dare To Believe:
That you are a wonderful, unique person.
That you are a once-in-all-history event.
That it's more than a right, it's your duty, to be who you are.
That life is not a problem to solve, but a gift to cherish.
And you'll be able to stay one up on what used to get you down.

"People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel"

MajestyJo 08-12-2013 05:37 PM

Happy IVGLDSW Day!

Today is International Very Good Looking, Darn Smart Woman's Day, so please send this message to someone you think fits this description. Please do not send it back to me as I have already received it from a Very Good Looking, Darn Smart Woman! And remember this motto to live by: Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO what a ride!'
Have a wonderful day!

To the Girls.

Inside every older person is a younger person -- wondering what the heck happened.
- Cora Harvey Armstrong-

Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut her up with cookies.

The hardest years in life are those between ten and seventy.
-Helen Hayes (at 73)-

My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first one being -- hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint.
- Erma Bombeck -

Old age ain't no place for sissies ..
-Bette Davis-

Forty is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart.
- Caryn Leschen -

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.

I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on.
- Roseanne Barr-

Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.
- Maryon Pearson-

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.
-Eleanor Roosevelt-

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me over. Make an exception for me, just lemonade please. I have an allergy to alcohol.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
- Dr. Seuss

Posted Step 10, 2010 a bit belated, but good any day!

MajestyJo 08-12-2013 05:45 PM

The greatest achievement is selflessness.

The greatest worth is self-mastery.

The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.

The greatest precept is continual awareness.

The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.

The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.

The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.

The greatest generosity is non-attachment.

The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.

The greatest patience is humility.

The greatest effort is not concerned with results.

The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.

The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.

- Atisha

Think of something that you fear to lose, then ask yourself, 'Were I to lose it, would I be a different person than I am today?' In yourself, be contented. Be whole.

From Do It Now!, by J. Donald Walters

A lot of these I fall short on. I am a firm believer though in what I think and project comes back to me. If I put out negativity, it comes back in kind.

MajestyJo 08-12-2013 05:46 PM

According to Jamie Sams' Animal Medicine book, the skunk means respect. It means to attract others with your charm, yet repel those who steal your energy.


"Those who have no compassion have no wisdom. Knowledge, yes; cleverness, maybe; wisdom, no. A clever mind is not a heart.Knowledge doesn't really care. Wisdom does."

"When you wake up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet at last, "what's the first thing you say to yourself?"
"What's for breakfast? said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?"
"I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet.
Pooh nodded thoughtfully.
"It's the same thing," he said.

"What's that?" the Unbeliever asked.
"Wisdom from the Western Taoist,"I said.
"It sounds like something from Winnie-the-Pooh ," he said.
"It is," I said.
"That's not about Taoism," he said.
"Oh, yes it is," I said."

Through working in harmony with life's circumstances, Taoist understanding changes what others may perceive as negative into something positive.

When you discard arrogance, complexity, and a few other things that get in the way, sooner or later you will discover that simple, childlike, and mysterious secret known to those of the Uncarved Block: Life is Fun.

The wise are not learned; the learned are not wise

A well-frog cannot imagine the ocean, nor can a summer insect conceive of ice. How then can a scholar understand the Tao? He is restricted by his own learning.

"Lots of people talk to animals," said Pooh.
"Not that many listen though."
"That's the problem."

You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are.

Everything has its own place and function. That applies to people, although many don't seem to realize it, stuck as they are in the wrong job, the wrong marriage, or the wrong house. When you know and respect your Inner Nature, you know where you belong. You also know where you don't belong.

" ... but, no matter how he may seem to others, especially to those fooled by appearances, Pooh, the Uncarved Block, is able to accomplish what he does because he is simpleminded."

" From the state of the Uncarved Block comes the ability to enjoy the simple and the quiet, the natural and the plain. Along with that comes the ability to do things spontaneously and have them work, odd as that may appear to others at times. As Piglet put it in Winnie-the-Pooh, "Pooh hasn't much Brain, but he never comes to any harm. He does silly things and they turn out right."

"Not like Pooh, the most effortless Bear we've ever seen."
"Just How do you do it, Pooh?"
"Do What?" asked Pooh.
"Become so Effortless."
"I don't do much of anything," he said.
"But all those things of yours get done."
"They just sort of happen," he said"

" It's not surprising, therefore, that the Backson thinks of progress in terms of fighting and overcoming. One of his little idiosyncrasies, you might say. Of course real progress involves growing and developing, which involves changing inside, but that's something the inflexible Backson is unwilling to do."

"While Eeyore frets ...
... and Piglet hesitates
... and Rabbit calculates
... and Owl pontificates
...Pooh just is."
"Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind, "Pooh!," he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."

"Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.
"Yes,"said Piglet, "Rabbit's clever."
"And he has Brain."
"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."
There was a long silence.
"I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands anything."

One walks alone
yet not alone
One walks with
the beauty of
the sunrise
the happiness of
the morning song of the birds
the silver of a morning dew
and the light of day
One walks alone with the miracle of life....

I identified so much with this as an adult child. For so many years, I didn't see the birds and animals and the joys of living around me. I was so caught up in the "oh woe is me, I am so hard done by" and went through life not seeing the beauty of life.

We are all God's children and loved. Love the line "Pooh just is!" That is how I try to live each day.

MajestyJo 08-12-2013 05:49 PM

How would you rate your level of "Inner Peace"?
Enough to stay calm in a den of lions?
Enough to get through a good day?
Enough for the next five minutes,
so long as everybody leaves you alone?

You may need a good case of inner peace,
a disease that could leave you stress-free
and contented for years to come.
A chiropractor named Jeff Rockwell
composed a list he calls
"Symptoms of Inner Peace."
You may have already caught this disease!
See how many of these symptoms you exhibit:

A tendency to think and act
spontaneously rather than from
fears based on past experiences.

An unmistakable ability
to enjoy each moment.

A loss of interest in judging self.

A loss of interest in judging others.

A loss of interest in conflict.

A loss of interest in interpreting
the actions of others.

A loss of ability to worry
(this is a serious symptom).

overwhelming episodes of appreciation.

Contented feelings of connectedness
with others and nature.

Frequent attacks of smiling
through the eyes of the heart.

Increasing susceptibility to love
extended by others as well as
the uncontrollable urge to extend it.

An increasing tendency
to let things happen.

Inner peace is a communicable disease
that could possibly infect
your home or workplace.
You may already be showing signs of it
and quite possibly be passing it along to others!
Rockwell warns:
"If you have all or even most
of the above symptoms,
please be advised that your condition
of PEACE may be so far advanced
as to not be treatable."

Have you caught it?

MajestyJo 08-13-2013 01:00 PM


When you consciously invoke growing, you consciously invoke the parts of yourself that are not whole to come into the foreground of your life. With each recurrence of anger, jealousy, or fear, you are given the choice to challenge it, or to give in to it. Each time you challenge it, it loses power and you gain power.

- Gary Zukav

On Oprah, she talked about not giving up your personal power. Just because you are a strong woman, there is no reason to give up a part of yourself for someone else. It is okay to be you. Own your own power. Ironically, she was talking to one of the most powerful woman in the world, Serena Williams.

For so many years, I gave away my personal power. I did not know I had a choice.

Each time I am faced with an old scenario, I am given the choice in recovery as to whether I am going to let it continue to play out in my life or am I going to step up to the plate and challenge it and do what I can do to heal and change things.

When I surrender, I am empowered to do what I need to do for myself. I no longer have to give those old patterns and behaviors the power to rule my life.

Just for today, I take back my power. I am worthy of a new life and a new sense of well being and peace.

When I surrender, I am empowered to do what I need to do today for my sobriety.

MajestyJo 08-13-2013 02:14 PM

If you plant honesty, You will reap trust
If you plant goodness, You will reap friends
If you plant humility, You will reap greatness
If you plant perseverance, You will reap victory
If you plant consideration, You will reap harmony
If you plant hard work, You will reap success
If you plant forgiveness, You will reap reconciliation

If you plant openness, You will reap intimacy
If you plant patience, You will reap improvements
If you plant faith, You will reap miracles

But If you plant dishonesty, You will reap distrust.
If you plant selfishness, You will reap loneliness
If you plant pride, You will reap destruction
If you plant envy, You will reap trouble
If you plant laziness, You will reap stagnation.
If you plant bitterness, You will reap isolation
If you plant greed, You will reap loss
If you plant gossip, You will reap enemies
If you plant worries, You will reap wrinkles
If you plant sin, You will reap guilt.

Source Unknown

MajestyJo 08-18-2013 09:58 AM


God and the Spider

During World War II,
a US marine was separated from his unit
on a Pacific island.
The fighting had been intense,
and in the smoke and the crossfire
he had lost touch with his comrades.

Alone in the jungle,
he could hear enemy soldiers
coming in his direction.
Scrambling for cover,
he found his way up a high ridge
to several small caves in the rock.
Quickly he crawled inside one of the caves.
Although safe for the moment,
he realized that once the enemy
soldiers looking for him swept up the ridge,
they would quickly search
all the caves and he would be killed.

As he waited, he prayed,
"Lord, if it be your will,
please protect me.
Whatever your will though,
I love you and trust you.

After praying,
he lay quietly listening to the enemy
begin to draw close.

He thought,
"Well, I guess the Lord isn't going
to help me out of this one."
Then he saw a spider begin to build a web
over the front of his cave.

As he watched, listening to the enemy
searching for him all the while,
the spider layered strand after strand of web
across the opening of the cave.

he thought.
"What I need is a brick wall
and what the Lord has sent me is a spider web.
God does have a sense of humor."

As the enemy drew closer he watched
from the darkness of his hideout
and could see them searching
one cave after another.
As they came to his,
he got ready to make his last stand.
To his amazement, however,
after glancing in the direction of his cave,
they moved on.
Suddenly, he realized that
with the spider web over the entrance,
his cave looked as if
no one had entered for quite a while.
"Lord, forgive me,"
prayed the young man.
"I had forgotten that in you a spider's web
is stronger than a brick wall."

We all face times of great trouble.
When we do,
it is so easy to forget
the victories that God
would work in our lives,
sometimes in the most surprising ways.
As the great leader,
reminded the people of Israel
when they faced the task of rebuilding Jerusalem,
"In God we will have success!"
[Nehemiah 2:20]

Whatever is happening in your life,
with God,
a mere spider's web can become
a brick wall of protection.
Believe He is with you always.
Just speak His name through Jesus His son,
and you will see
His great power and love for you.

MajestyJo 08-21-2013 10:47 AM


I Will Come Home To You

~*Marge Tindal*~

O' Maker Of Life
into this earthly shell I am bound
until I am washed upon your shore
awaiting passage
forevermore at peace
among the oceans of my people
Having floated many moon-moved waves
I now await the tide that will bring me
into the serenity of your gentle waters
Whenever you are ready
I will come home to you

Posted on my site in 2010

MajestyJo 08-24-2013 07:35 PM

God Forgive Me When I Whine

Today upon a bus I saw a lovely girl with golden hair. I envied her - she seemed so gay - and wished I were as fair.

But suddenly she rose to leave. I saw her hobble down the isle, she had only one leg and wore a crutch, but as she passed, a smile…

Oh, God forgive me when I whine,

I have two legs, the world is mine.

I stopped to buy some candy. The lad who sold them had such charm. I stopped to talk to him, he seemed so glad - if I was late could do no harm. As I left he said to me, “I thank-you, you had been so kind. It’s nice to talk to folks like you, you see,” he said, “I am Blind.”

Oh, God forgive me when I whine,

I have two eyes, the world is mine.

Later while walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue. He stood and watched the others play, he did not know what to do. I stopped a moment and said, “Why don’t you join the others, dear?” He looked ahead without a word and then I knew, he couldn't hear.

Oh, God forgive me when I whine,

I have two ears, the world is mine.

With feet to take me where I go, with eyes to see the sun-set glow, with ears to hear what I would know.

Oh, God forgive me when I whine,

I am blessed indeed, the world is mine!


MajestyJo 08-26-2013 11:09 AM

Received from my friend in Texas.

This is the kind of story you need when it seems like the world is spiraling out of control. Not many people get a picture of this proud bird snuggled up next to them!

Freedom and Jeff.

Freedom and I have been together 11 years this summer.
She came in as a baby in 1998 with two broken wings.
Her left wing doesn't open all the way even after surgery,
It was broken in 4 places. She's my baby.

When Freedom came in she could not stand and both wings
were broken. She was Emaciated and covered in lice. We
made the decision to give her a chance at life, so I took
her to the vet's office. From then on, I was always around
her. We had her in a huge dog carrier with the top off, and
it was loaded up with shredded newspaper for her to lay in.
I used to sit and talk to her, urging her to live, to fight; and
she would lay there looking at me with those big brown eyes.
We also had to tube feed her for weeks.

This went on for 4-6 weeks, and by then she still couldn't
stand. It got to the point where the decision was made to
euthanize her if she couldn't stand in a week. You know you
don't want to cross that line between torture and rehab,
and it looked like death was winning. She was going to be put
down that Friday, and I was to come in that Thursday. I
didn't want to go to the center because I couldn't bear the
thought of her being euthanized; but I went anyway, and
when I walked in everyone was grinning from ear to ear. I
went back to her cage; and there she was, standing on her
own, a big beautiful eagle. She was ready to live. I was
just about in tears by then. That was a very good day.

We knew she could never fly, so the director asked me to
glove train her. I got her used to the glove, and then to
jesses, and we started doing education programs for schools
in western Washington. We wound up in the newspapers and
Radio (believe it or not) and some TV. Miracle Pets even did
a show about us.

In the spring of 2000, I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma. I had stage 3, which is not good (one major organ
plus everywhere), so I wound up doing 8 months of chemo.
Lost the hair - the whole bit. I missed a lot of work. When I
felt good enough, I would go to Sarvey and take Freedom
out for walks. Freedom would also come to me in my dreams
and help me fight the cancer. This happened time and time

Fast forward to November 2000, the day after Thanksgiving.
I went in for my last checkup. I was told that if the cancer
was not gone after 8 rounds of chemo. My last option was a
stem cell transplant. Anyway, they did the tests; and I had
to come back Monday for the results. I went in Monday, and
I was told that all the cancer was gone.

So the first thing I did was get up to Sarvey and
take the big girl out for a walk. It was misty
and cold. I went to her flight and jessed her
up, and we went out front to the top of the
Hill. I hadn't said a word to Freedom, but
somehow she knew. She looked at me and wrapped
both her wings around me to where I could feel
them pressing in on my back (I was engulfed in eagle
wings), and she touched my nose with her beak and
stared into my eyes, and we just stood there like
that for I don't know how long . That was a magic
moment. We have been soul mates ever since she
came in. This is a very special bird.

On a side note: I have had people who were sick
come up to us when we are out, and Freedom has
some kind of hold on them. I once had a guy who was
terminal come up to us and I let him hold her.
His knees just about buckled and he swore he could
feel her power course through his body. I have so
many stories like that..

I never forget the honor I have of being so close to
such a magnificent spirit as Freedom.

Hope you enjoyed this!

Feel free to share this in memory of anyone you know who has been
struck down by cancer or is still living with it
or just someone who enjoys a GREAT STORY.

MajestyJo 08-27-2013 11:28 PM


Dick Damron - 1982

Creative Harmony - 2000
Also recorded by: Hazel-Marie Robertson; George Hamilton IV.

This angel will change daily.

Lately Lord, I almost feel like dyin'
Wakeup like a child slowly cryin'
Sometimes Lord, I just can't keep from cryin'
I can't find the strength to carry on

Jesus it's me again
Down on my knees again
Asking you please again
Reach out your hand

Jesus it's me again
Down on my knees again
Asking you please again
Reach out your hand

Instrumental Interlude

Time to time I try to find a reason
To talk to you from time to time before
But this time Lord Your Will is my command
And I know I just can't take it anymore

Jesus it's me again
Down on my knees again
Asking you please again
Reach out your hand

Jesus it's me again
Down on my knees again
Asking you please again
Reach out your hand

Reach out your hand

(Transcribed by Bette Carl - September 2002)

MajestyJo 08-28-2013 03:44 AM


I took a step and with new strength
I’d never felt before,
I kissed my Comfort Zone "goodbye"
And closed and locked the door.
I couldn’t let my life go by
Just watching others win.
I held my breath and stepped outside
And let the change begin.

I claimed to be so busy
With the things inside my zone,
But deep inside I longed for
Something special of my own.
I said it didn’t matter,
That I wasn’t doing much
I said I didn’t care for things
Like diamonds, furs and such.

I longed so much to do the things
I’d never done before,
But I stayed inside my Comfort Zone and
Paced the same old floor.
I used to have a Comfort Zone
Where I knew I couldn’t fail
The same four walls of busy work
Were really more like jail.

If you are in a Comfort Zone,
Afraid to venture out,
Remember that all winners were
At one time filled with doubt.
A step or two and words of praise,
Can make your dreams come true.
Greet your future with a smile,
Success is there for you!

- - Unknown

MajestyJo 08-28-2013 03:46 AM

Had this or something similar on one of my sites, that got deleted. Have finally unearthed some of my books and found a poem on the same subject today when I was looking up a book called "I will lift up my eyes."

The piece I remember told me that if I was in a comfort zone, I was in a danger zone and that comfort could be a place of complacency.


The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature, and God. Because only then does one feel that all is at it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As long as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be.

- Anne Frank

MajestyJo 09-01-2013 12:52 AM


MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#5049 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

So Be It

So if the U.S. government determines that it is against the law for the words "under God" to be on our money, then, so be it.

And if that same government decides that the "Ten Commandments" are not to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it.

And since they already have prohibited any prayer in the
schools, of which they deem their authority, then so be it.

I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding U.S. citizen.

I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions. I would like to think that those people have my best interest at heart.


I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter and Sunday.

I'd like the U.S. Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday and Easter as well as Sundays. After was the government that deemed these as religious observances!

I'd like the Senate and the House of representatives to not have to worry about getting home for the "Christmas Break."

I'm thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved if all government offices and services would work on Christmas, Good Friday and Easter.

It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like any other days of the week to a government that is trying to be "politically correct."

This would not effect any "non-governmental" business since everyone else still has the freedom of religion; we could all still enjoy our holidays.

So I guess if they continue to bow to the wishes of the few, and if this e-mail gets out to the right people, maybe they would bow to the wishes of the many.

So be it.

~Author Unknown~

MajestyJo 11-10-2013 06:09 PM

One of my bygone recollections,
As I recall the days of yore.
Is the little house, behind the house,
With the crescent over the door.

'Twas a place to sit and ponder
With your head bowed down low;
Knowing that you wouldn't be there,
If you didn't have to go.

Ours was a three-holer,
With a size for every one.
You left there feeling better,
After your usual job was done.

You had to make these frequent trips,
Whether snow, rain, sleet, or fog,
To the little house where you usually
Found the Sears-Roebuck catalog.

Oft times in dead of winter,
The seat was covered with snow.
'Twas then with much reluctance,
To the little house you'd go.

With a swish you'd clear the seat,
Bend low, with dreadful fear.
You'd blink your eyes and grit your teeth
As you settled on your rear.

I recall the day Granddad,
Who stayed with us one summer,
Made a trip to the shanty
Which proved to be a hummer.

'Twas the same day my Dad
Finished painting the kitchen green.
He'd just cleaned up the mess he's made
With rags and gasoline.

He tossed the rags in the shanty hole
And went on his usual way,
Not knowing that by doing so,
He would eventually rue the day.

Now Granddad had an urgent call,
I never will forget!
This trip he made to the little house
Lingers in my memory yet.

He sat down on the shanty seat,
With both feet on the floor.
Then filled his pipe with tobacco
And struck a match on the outhouse door.

After the Tobacco began to glow,
He slowly raised his rear:
Tossed flaming match in the open hole,
With not a sign of fear.

The Blast that followed, I am sure,
Was heard for miles around;
And left poor grandpa
Just sitting on the ground.

The smoldering pipe was still in his mouth,
His suspenders he held tight;
The celebrated three-holer
Was blown clear out of sight.

When we asked him what had happened,
His answer I'll never forget.
He thought it must be something
That he had recently et!

Next day we had a new one,
Which my Dad built with ease.
With a sign on the entrance door
Which read: No Smoking, Please!

Now that's the end of the story,
With memories of long ago,
Of the little house behind the house
Where we went when we had to go!

Received from my friend Carey.

I was one of the lucky ones, I got to experience this. In today, it is more modern but it does help when you need quiet time in the midst of the 'busy' of today.

God is everywhere!

I have a direct line on a mobile phone!

MajestyJo 11-24-2013 12:29 AM

When God created kitty cats,
He had no Recipe;
He knew He wanted
Something sweet,
As sweet as sweet could be.

He started out with sugar,
Adding just a trace of spice;
Then stirred in drops of
Morning dew,
To keep them fresh and nice

He thought cats should be soft to pet,
So He gave them coats of fur;
So they could show they were content,
He taught them how to purr.

He made for them long tails
To wave,
While strutting down the walk;
Then trained them in meow-ology,
So they could do cat-talk.

He made them into acrobats,
And gave them grace and poise;
Their wide-eyes curiosity,
He took from little boys.

He put whiskers on their faces,
Gave them tiny ears for caps;
Then shaped their little bodies,
To snugly fit on laps.

He gave them eyes as big as saucers,
To look into man's soul;
Then set a tolerance for mankind,
Their purpose and their goal.

He made so many of them;
Then charged, with fatherly concern,
The human race to love them.

When one jumped up upon His lap,
God gentle stroked its head;
The cat gave Him a kitty kiss,
"What wondrous love," God! ! Said.

God smiled at His accomplishment,
So pleased with His creation;
And said, with pride, as He sat back,
"At last...I've reached purr-fection!"

Unknown Author

MajestyJo 11-29-2013 10:12 PM


1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height.

Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay them.

2. Keep only cheerful friends.

The grouches pull you down. (keep this In mind if you are one of those grouches) ;)

3. Keep learning:

Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening,
whatever. Never let the brain get idle.

"An idle mind is the devil's workshop."
And the devil's name is Alzheimer's!

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and Lots of time with HIM/HER.

6. The tears happen:

Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is our self. LIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love:

Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever.

Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health:

If it is good, preserve it.
I f it is unstable, improve it.
If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips.

Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

And if you don't send this to at least 4 people - who cares? LOL

But do share this with someone.


MajestyJo 11-30-2013 06:05 PM

Mr. Sun

Wrote this for a writing challenge on another site in 2010.


using this word create a poem that accurately depicts yourself - it can be used in any derivative form if you so wish, good luck and happy writing

Oh Mr. Sun, you make my day
You make my heart warm and it radiates
With outbursts of love and energy
Which resinates through my being.

Even when I can't see you
You are on my mind
Because I know that somewhere
Beyond those clouds you shine.

With hope and bated breath
I wait to see your face,
No matter what comes between us
My faith in you remains forever true.

You are a part of Father sky
You shine down on Mother Earth
You feed the Nature of all Things
Big and small they feel your Grace.

MajestyJo 12-03-2013 12:47 AM


When you feel a gentle breeze
Caress you when you sigh
It's a hug sent from Heaven
From a loved one way up high.

If a soft and tender raindrop
Lands upon your nose
They've added a small kiss
As fragile as a rose.

If a song you hear fills you
With a feeling of sweet love
It's a hug sent from Heaven
From someone special up above.

If you awaken in the morning
To a bluebird's chirping song
It's music sent from Heaven
To cheer you all day long.

If tiny little snowflakes
Land upon your face
It's a hug sent from Heaven
Trimmed with Angel lace.

So keep the joy in your heart
If you're lonely my dear friend
Hugs that are sent from Heaven
A broken heart will mend.

MajestyJo 12-05-2013 12:35 PM


Friendship is precious,
not only in the shade,
but in the sunshine of life;
and thanks to a benevolent
arrangement of things,
the greater part of life is sunshine.
~Thomas Jefferson~

Of all the blossoms in life's garden,
friendship is the most fragrant.

A friend is a gift where
worth cannot be measured
except by the heart

Be full of sympathy toward each other,
loving one another with tender hearts
and humble minds
~1 Peter 3:8~

Friendship is sharing openly,
laughing often,
trusting always,
caring deeply.

We can pour our heart out to a friend
knowing that gentle hands will take and sift it,
keep what is worth keeping,
and with a breath of kindness,
blow the rest away.

Thank YOU for being my friend

MajestyJo 12-05-2013 12:40 PM

Friendship is a priceless gift,
That cannot be bought or sold.
But it's value is far greater,
Than a mountain of gold.

For gold is cold and lifeless.
It can neither see nor hear.
And in the time of trouble,
It is powerless to cheer.

It has no ears to listen.
No heart to understand.
It cannot bring you comfort.
Or reach out a helping hand.

So when you feel down and need a lift,
One of the best things to make amends,
Isn't diamonds, pearls or riches,
But the love of real true friends.

MajestyJo 12-06-2013 08:50 PM

It says in the AA Preamble, that some people are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves. Many people know they are an alcoholic and/or an addict, but they don't care. It is a progressive disease.


"If I could live my life over again I'd
make the same mistakes only sooner."

- Tallulah Bankhead

MajestyJo 12-09-2013 12:30 AM

When you are tired and discouraged
from fruitless effort,

GOD knows how hard you have tried.

When you've cried so long your
heart is in anguish,

GOD has counted your tears.

If you feel that your life is on hold
and time has passed you by,

GOD is waiting for you.

When nothing makes sense and you
are confused or frustrated,

GOD has the answer.

If suddenly your outlook is brighter
and you find traces of hope,

GOD has whispered to you.

When things are going well and you
have much to be thankful for,

GOD has blessed you.

When something joyful happens
and you are filled with awe,

GOD has smiled upon you.

Remember that wherever you are or
whatever you are feeling,

GOD knows!

MajestyJo 12-12-2013 01:19 AM

Uptight before Christmas, all through these rooms
alcoholics were stricken with holiday gloom.

They prayed, "Santa, please make us happy, joyous & free,
bring us candy and presents and serenity."

Greed filled their minds and envy their hearts
and someone said, "It's time for the meeting to start!"

"Does anyone have a topic tonight?"
Every face in the place turned wintery white!

They lost all self-seeking, self-pity and self-will
when down through the chimney came the ghost of St. Bill!

He chuckled and said as he sat himself down
"Call the White House and tell 'em there's a new Dubya in town."

Then he looked through a big book and said with a tear,
"Wow! No one rewrote this after all these years!"

Clean house, help your neighbor, be loving and kind,
and don't take the first drink one day at a time."

"How could a message as simple as this
be realized, analyzed and intellectually dismissed?"

There lies the reason this ghost has arrived:
to re-give a gift that has saved all your lives!

Then he set up a big screen and a DVD
so every lost soul in the meeting could see.

He played a movie of drunks at their best and their worst,
what is and what was, when blessed and when cursed.

There were scenes of a housewife passed out at a bar,
a respectable businessman wrecking his car,

A fight in a kitchen, a fight in bed,
a fight at a reception between newlyweds.

An empty bottle, a desperate man
alone in a motel with a gun in his hands.

He puts down the gun and picks up the phone
and whimpers and blubbers, "Honey, let me come home."

She hangs up as she tells him, "Don't call here anymore."
He reaches for the phone book and falls to the floor.

Somehow that phone book seems to capture his gaze:
it's open to a number under the A's.

Then all of the people in the movie converged
on the poor side of town in the basement of a church.

Driven together in a willing herd
to hear of hope and deliver the word.

The ghost of Bill W. turned off the TV
and said, "The first word of the first step is 'we'.

I suggest you start there and see where you go.
Be thorough and fearless, and please-take it slow!

Let faith set the tone, let love make the mood
'and as for a about gratitude?'

Just don't drink, go to meetings and, yes, you should pray
and be glad you're alive and sober today.

Be a good woman, be a good man
and be of service whenever you can.

Be a good mother, be a good dad
and try to be good to your kids when they're bad.

Be a good husband, or lover, or wife...
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good life.

MajestyJo 12-14-2013 04:40 AM


Do not take anything
as being forever,
because forever is only
as long as today.
Know that the people who
are the richest
are not those who have the most,
but those who need the least.
That we are at our strongest
when life is at its worst,
and at our weakest when life
no longer offers a challenge.
That it is wiser not to expect,
but to hope,
for in expecting you ask for
whereas in hoping, you invite
That unhappiness doesn't come from
not having something you want,
but from the lack of something
inside that you need.
That there are things to hold
and things to let go,
and letting go doesn't mean you lose,
but that you acquire that which
has been waiting around the corner.

Most of all...
remember to use your dreams as a
way of knowing yourself better,
and as an inspiration to reach
for your star.

Received with thanks from Inspiration Plus

MajestyJo 12-16-2013 04:04 AM

Old, but always timely. IMHO, America has taken political correctness way beyond reasonable.

Received with thanks from my friend Carey in Texas

A dog had followed his owner to school. His owner was a fourth grader at a public elementary school. However, when the bell rang, the dog sidled inside the building and made it all the way to the child's classroom before a teacher noticed and shooed him outside, closing the door behind him.

The dog sat down, whimpered and stared at the closed doors.

Then God appeared beside the dog, patted his head, and said,

'Don't feel bad fella'...they won't let ME in either'.

MajestyJo 12-17-2013 08:24 AM


When my world falls down around me,
And the ground is sinking sand;
When peace can't be found on this earth,
I reach out for your hand.

Then when your hand wraps 'round my own,
A strength pours from your soul;
It brings me to a quiet calm,
Till once again I'm whole.

A peace beyond all reason,
A rest there in your touch;
Something in your quiet words,
My heart yearns for so much.

If I but rest my worries,
Upon your shoulder there;
The strength that pours forth from your soul,
Will wash away each care.

Like a cool, sweet taste of water,
For a tired and thirsty man;
My heart finds peace, my soul is calm,
When I reach out for your hand.

Have A Wonderful Day!

MajestyJo 12-24-2013 07:34 PM


Tampons to the rescue in Iraq !! Don't worry, it's a good story, and worth reading. It's even humorous in parts. It's from the mother of a Marine in Iraq .

My son told me how wonderful the care packages we had sent them were and wanted me to tell everyone thank you. He said that one guy we'll call Marine X, got a girl care package and everyone was giving him a hard time. My son said, 'Marine X got some really nice smelling lotion and everyone really likes it, so every time he goes to sleep they steal it from him.' I told my son I was really sorry about the mistake, and if he wanted I would send Marine X another package. He told me not to worry about Marine X because every time I send something to him, Marine X thinks it's for him too.

He said when my husband and I sent the last care package, Marine X came over to his cot picked up the box, started fishing through it, and said, 'What'd we get this time?'

My son said they had the most fun with Marine X's package. He said he wasn't sure who we were sending the pack to, but the panties were size 20, and he said one of the guys got on top of the Humvee and jumped off with the panties over his head and yelled, 'Look at me, I'm an Airborne Ranger!!!!' One of the guys attached the panties to an antenna and it blew in the wind like a windsock. He said it entertained them for quite a while. Then of course.......they had those tampons.

When he brought this up, my imagination just went running, but he
continued. My son said they had to go on a mission and Marine X wanted the Chap-Stick and lotion for the trip. He grabbed a bunch of the items from his care package and got in the Humvee. As luck would have it he grabbed the tampons too, and my son said everyone was teasing him about 'not forgetting his feminine hygiene products'

He said things went well for a while, then the convoy was ambushed and a Marine was shot. He said the wound was pretty clean, but it was deep. He said they were administering first aid but couldn't get the bleeding to slow down, and someone said, 'Hey! Use Marine X's tampons!' My son said they put the tampon in the wound. At this point my son profoundly told Me, 'Mom, did you know that tampons expand?'

They successfully slowed the bleeding until the guy got better medical
attention. When they went to check on him later The surgeon told them, 'You guys saved his life. If you hadn't stopped that bleeding he would have bled to death.' My Son said, 'Mom, the tampons sent by the Marine Moms by mistake saved a Marine's life.'

At this point I asked him, 'Well, what did you do with the rest of the
tampons?' He said, 'Oh, we divided them up and we all have them in our flak jackets, and I kept two for our first aid kit.'

I am absolutely amazed by the ingenuity of our Marines. I can't believe
that something that started out as a mistake then turned into a joke, ended up saving someone's life. My sister said she doesn't believe in mistakes. She believes God had a plan all along. She believes that 'female care package' was sent to Marine X to save our Marine.

Either way, our efforts have boosted the morale of many Marines, provided much needed items for our troops, AND saved the life of a Marine! God bless every one of you for your efforts and hard work, and God bless our Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force and all our military service personnel.

GOD BLESS AMERICA AND KEEP IT SAFE!Please send this on after a short prayer.

Pray for our soldiers!


'Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the selfless acts
they perform for us in our time of need.

MajestyJo 12-26-2013 10:14 AM


Feel the truth In every moment, in every circumstance there is a new truth to be discovered. Life is rich with possibilities for deeper, more profound understanding.
You are, at the same time, all-encompassing essence and also a particular momentary expression of that essence. You live in this moment and you live beyond it.

Discovering truth is a matter of confirming in experience what you already know in your essence. The way you know it is truth is because it resonates so perfectly within the depth of who you are.

Truth is not something you must be told. Truth is truth because you recognize it so completely.

Living successfully in this moment and in this world is a matter of connecting your outer life to your inner truth. The most effective, fulfilling choice in any situation is to live the truth of who you are.

In pure truth there is no fear, no worry, no anxiety or anger. Feel the truth that is within you, and let it guide your every choice.

-- Ralph Marston
Just shared on this on an ABC Recovery post. It is about finding our truth. Experiencing our own life and no longer living it through others.

For me, it is about not playing old tapes, but making new ones in living colour!

What do I believe in? What do I want for my life? What do I need for my own health and well being so that I can be there for others? When I am focusing on others and not on my own recovery, the well runs dry. I need to remember that I need food for the body, mind and spirit.

Can't fault the last statement. If I am living in those feeling, I am not working my program or not working it to the best of my ability. When fear is near, God is here. I need to have faith in that. That is my truth.

There is negative in life. That is a given. It is what I can do to change it into a positive that matters. Turning a blind eye and pretending that it isn't there isn't the solution.

MajestyJo 12-29-2013 07:56 PM


If you want to beat traffic. . .

Pick some fruit!!

Yesterday it took me an hour and fifteen minutes to go 10 miles.

I was frustrated.
I was powerless.
I was exhausted.
I was grateful.
I was victorious.
I was energized.

Heavy traffic volumes are a fact of life in any big city. Many of the local governments fund road improvement programs, only to close lanes as they improve the roads.

Lanes close, traffic increases, people get more frustrated and distracted, they have accidents, they cause more traffic pile-ups.

It's a vicious cycle.

It is often said that a person's first reaction in times of crisis tells a lot about that person. I say that a person's reaction while traveling six inches per minute tells even more about that person.

Sitting in traffic is one of the best times to pick some fruit.

Pick some patience. . .
You'll be able to relax. After all, you'll be sitting there for a while anyway.

Pick some peace. . .
Try something different --- instead of listening to the radio traffic reports about the traffic you're sitting in, turn the radio off. Play a classical CD.
Or better yet, just enjoy the quiet time.

Pick some kindness. . .
Smile at the person in the car next to you. Now that's really different!

Pick some love. . .
Start a conversation with your spouse or child about something you know is bothering them. Time spent driving can be time spent talking and understanding each other.

Pick some joy. . .
Be thankful that you're not the person involved in the calamity that's causing the traffic.

Pick some faith. . .
Take this time to look up at the sky, observe the trees, marvel at the birds. Think about your own life. Then you'll know for sure that there is a God.

Pick some gentleness. . .
I know you have a cell phone, so pick it up and call someone you haven't spoken to in months. You still remember the number.

Pick some goodness. . .
Plan a good deed that you'll do for someone as soon as you get out of the traffic. Maybe there's something you can do immediately to help the person on the side of the road.

Pick some meekness. . .
No matter what kind of car you're riding in, understand that it's not by your own works that you were able to obtain it.

Once you pick your fruit, your frustration, powerlessness, and exhaustion will transform into gratitude, victory and energy.

You'll have a new outlook on life all because you pulled over,
. . . and decided to pick some fruit.

~A Mountain Wings Original by C. Elijah Bronner~

They say, if we do the work, we will see the fruit of our labour. If you don't put something into it, you won't get anything out of it.

I think that is why they say, give it a way in order to keep it. When you do, it comes back to you, not always from the same source, but it will come back.

May you have a fruitful life today.

MajestyJo 01-03-2014 05:23 PM

My life is unmanageable when managed by me. Yet often, when life happens and I get caught up in 'stuff' and I don't realize what is going on, until I am in it, and need to get myself out of it.

When I do the do things, pick up my phone, go on the internet, read my books, do a meditation and talk to my God, things come into their true perspective. It is only when I find acceptance what is in the moment, and look to what I need to do to change. First is my attitude, prayer to my God, and doing the do things that the program suggests I do, like going to a meeting, call my sponsor, journaling, and meditation to find the answer.
here is a great quote in Courage to Change from Al-Anon which gave me the thought for discussion.

If problems arise today, I will try to acknowledge them - and then put a little spiritual space between my problems and myself. If I can share them with another person, I will further diminish their power. Recognizing that my life is unmanageable is the first step toward managing it.

"...when we bring things out into the light, they lose their power over us."

...In All Our Affairs.

My life is unmanageable when I put my life on hold waiting for someone else to make a decision.

My life is unmanageable when I don't practice putting more balance in my life. When everything is all computer, it isn't healthy. Even though I balance my time between several sites, I don't think that counts.

My life is unmanageable when I allow my pain to rule my life. When I give up doing and just let my pain dictate my actions, my life is unmanageable.

My life is unmangeable when I do everything at once and don't balance my day. Like this week, I was in for three days because of the weather and then I had to play catch up. It would have been much more manageable to do things Wednesday and Thursday.

My life is unmanageable when I don't accept what is in the moment, no matter 'what ' is. I don't have to like it, but I do need to accept it before I can move beyond it.

My lfie is unmanageable when I don't write things down and write reminders and then forget where I put the reminder or forget the list. Fibromyalgia has a way of doing that to me. I think I have paid, but have only thought of doing and I didn't follow up the thought with action.

I get the thought to take something out for supper. If I don't act on it, it is gone and when dinner time comes, nothing is thawed.

It isn't a whole lot unmanageable like it was prior to recovery. I no longer have to rob Peter to pay Paul because I drank the money. I don't have to make partial payments because I spent the money on others things.

My life is unmanageable when managed by me. If my God lead me to it, He will see me through it. Doesn't look manageable and doable sometimes, but it is amazing how things turn out sometimes. My God performs miracles. I know, because I am one.

MajestyJo 01-11-2014 08:15 AM



"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets."
-- Nido Qubein

The 80/20 rule says that on a list of 10 tasks, only 2 of those tasks will return 80% of the value of the entire list. Look at your 'to do' list for today. Which tasks are directly related to what you most want in life? Find the 2 high value items on your list and tackle them first. These tasks are the ones that really move us forward.

Many of us actively avoid the top 2 priorities because they are more challenging than the rest. If they are to lead us to worthy goals, they are undoubtedly asking us to move into new territory in thinking and acting, and this can be scary. But this is also REWARDING!

"Don't kid yourself: it's because you're doing all those C's (low priorities) and NOT because you haven't any time, that you don't get to do your A's."
-- Alan Lakein

Confused about what you want and where you're going? Discover the empowerment that comes with focus!

MajestyJo 01-14-2014 08:06 PM

"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin -- real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

-- Fr. Alfred D’Souza

My whole life seemed to go to the pits and I blamed it on my parents. Either my father for not being there or for my mother being there and doing nothing or doing things that I found abusive and controlling.

I didn't know that she was dealing with her own pain and didn't have the tools to deal with it. I believe she too had fibromyalgia.

As the quote says it was my life and my choices. A lot of those choices were a result of what I had seen in my past and didn't know I had the power to change them. I didn't know I was giving up my own power. Didn't know I had it to lose.

Life happens! Life doesn't change, the only person who can change is me. I don't have the power to change or make anyone do anything. I can still hear my mother saying, "Look at what you made me do!"

Often the obstacles are self imposed. I put on the limitations myself. Through my God, all things are possible. I didn't need prison bars, I was a prisoner of my own mind.

Life didn't get better, I did.

MajestyJo 01-14-2014 08:47 PM

FOR THOSE in the Ya-Ya Sisterhood:

1. If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with. But, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't appear to realize that you had set it free....... You either married it or gave birth to it.

2. Reason to smile: Every 7 minutes of every day, someone in an aerobics class pulls a hamstring.

3. They keep telling us to get in touch with our bodies. Mine isn't all that communicative but I heard from it the other day after I said, "Body, how'd you like to go to the six o'clock class in vigorous toning?" Clear as a bell my body said, "Listen it and die."

4. My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely.

5. The best way to forget all your troubles is to wear tight shoes.

6. The nice part about living in a small town: When you don't know what you're doing, someone else always does.

7. Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.

8. Amazing! ! You hang something in your closet for a while and it shrinks two sizes!

9. Sometimes I think I understand everything, then I regain consciousness.

10.. I read this article that said the typical symptoms of stress are eating too much, impulse buying, and driving too fast. Are they kidding? That's my idea of a perfect day.

Original Source Unknown

MajestyJo 01-17-2014 01:44 AM

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... and TODAY

The journey's our goal, our path is the point ...

There are two days in every week we should never worry about,
two days that should be kept free from fear and apprehension.

One is yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its aches and pains, its faults and blunders.

Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control.

All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday.

We cannot undo a single act we performed, nor erase a single word we've said. Yesterday is gone.

The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow, with its impossible adversaries, its burden, its hopeful promise and unknown performance.

Tomorrow is beyond our control.

Tomorrow's sun will rise either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds ...
but it will rise ... and until it does.

We have no stake in tomorrow, for it is as yet unborn.

This leaves only one day: TODAY!

Anyone can fight the battles of just one day.

It is only when we add the burdens of yesterday and tomorrow that we break down.

It is not the experience of today that drives people mad.

It is the remorse of bitterness for something that happened
yesterday, and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.

Make TODAY the best day it can be, and live one day at a time!
One of my all time favourites.

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